Just Charlie

A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

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More Great Reading About How One Church Transforme…

More Great Reading About How One Church Transformed Its Community

Check out the story of this Jacksonville church in “Wizard of Odds.”

These quotes jumped out at me:

“The key to any successful ministry is obedience. Jesus was obedient unto death, even death on the cross. He’s our example. Obey. No matter what it looks like, you obey. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and God has honored our obedience.”

“A local church ought not just drive in on Sunday, have an hour-and-a-half of preaching and singing, and then leave. If you’re in a community, then you ought to affect that community.

I ask other pastors, “If your church were to leave the community you’re in, what impact would that have? Would they miss you? Would they weep?” I think our community would miss us if we weren’t here. I hope they would. We have built relationships with the people of our community and with retailers in hopes of saving this community. That kind of networking can save a community.

We are the community.”

“I talk to a lot of pastors who are applying for grants and all this kind of stuff. I say to them, “You don’t need a grant now. You need the ministry first.”

In other words, you need to target the ill of your community. Identify the greatest need, then motivate your people to attack that need. You don’t need a building first, but a burden.

A pastor first needs a burden for a specific need in a specific place. When you have a burden, you’ll begin to change things, and people will join you in that work.”

Jordon Cooper’s Next Home Run Quote/Allusion He a…

Jordon Cooper’s Next Home Run Quote/Allusion

He always…I mean always has something thought-provoking in his blog. He posted this little gem while describing his church board meeting:

“One of the things I brought up was something that Janice McKinnon wrote in her book and that was that in trying to save an institution or a way of life, we often end up destroying it because we don’t allow it to change as it needed to. We all thought the same could be said about the church.”

I have seen this in action. We all have!


Some Quotes from the Vintage Faith Website
Dan Kimball’s website has the neat little”quote rotation” in the top image. Neat pics, too! Here are a couple of the quotes…

�Whenever I meet a Buddhist leader, I meet a holy man. Whenever I meet a Christian leader, I meet a manager.�
– An observation from a Japanese businessman

�I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.�
– Mahatma Gandhi


Sally Morgenthaler on Getting Out of the Ghetto
“If we can’t live the sacred journey with Christ daily and are not actively drawing others into that journey – way outside the worship center or sanctuary and outside our stained-glass or silk-plant ghettos – we can’t expect to do it in an hour on Sunday morning or Wednesday night.”
– A comment on page 92 of Dan Kimball’s The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations

Some Quotes from the Vintage Faith Website Dan Ki…

Some Quotes from the Vintage Faith Website

Dan Kimball’s website has the neat little”quote rotation” in the top image. Neat pics, too! Here are a couple of the quotes…

�Whenever I meet a Buddhist leader, I meet a holy man. Whenever I meet a Christian leader, I meet a manager.�

– An observation from a Japanese businessman

�I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.�

– Mahatma Gandhi

Sally Morgenthaler on Getting Out of the Ghetto “…

Sally Morgenthaler on Getting Out of the Ghetto

“If we can’t live the sacred journey with Christ daily and are not actively drawing others into that journey – way outside the worship center or sanctuary and outside our stained-glass or silk-plant ghettos – we can’t expect to do it in an hour on Sunday morning or Wednesday night.”

– A comment on page 92 of Dan Kimball’s The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations


Oh, One More Thing…
One of my real “buddies” at the last place said to me tonight, “You know…all five members of our pastor search committee are here tonight. Could we have your resume?” He knows it’ll never happen – mostly on their part, but it was sure kind of nice to be “stroked!”