A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: July 2008 (page 2 of 2)

Quotable, 07.05.08…

A couple of great quotes from random sources today…

It doesn’t matter if it’s Jeff Francoeur or Chipper Jones or Brandon Jones or whoever it may be. When you struggle, the best approach is “simplify to rectify.” The human brain works in mysterious ways and sometimes the reality of things is not what’s always going on in the brain. The quicker you can simplify things, the quicker guys can rebound. -Mississippi Braves manager Phillip Wellman, on Jeff Francoeur’s demotion to Class AA

And this one, from Alton Brown, of Good Eats fame…

I’m a Christian but often not a very good one. I’m thankful to have BB King, Bono and the boys here to remind us that there’s not a one of us out there who hasn’t “held the scabbard while the soldier threw (sic) the sword”. You just don’t want to miss the train when love comes to town.

(Oh, and check out Alton’s “eclectic” iTunes mix!)