If you’ve been hanging around these parts at all over the last 21+ years, you’ll agree that many of the all too sporadic posts deal with serendipity and/or synchronicity. I’m just that kind of observer, I guess. And when I observe something, often it puts me in touch with something else related or almost related. So you might say this blog—when it runs at all—runs on finding stuff others throw out or leave behind. Today is no different.

Here’s a couple of items for today…

Julian Summerhayes asks, on Tumblr…

Since when did a plurality of old people turn into a burden on society and not be, as they rightly should be, the repository of ancient, mythic wisdom?

David Murray, over at Writing Boots (note: the actual site returns a “nonsecure” message, so you’re on your own on that one), opines on what we call “burnout’…

These days, we would say that Dr. R. was “suffering from burnout.” Nope. He was just questioning the meaning of his work (and thus, to some extent, his life), and finding it wanting. Like we all do, some days. For some, most days. We just don’t give a sh*t.

We should feel free to say so, once in a while—especially in the middle of the summer, especially with our intimates, at the very least, with ourselves.

But do we dare? Do I? Do you? I think we should. For everyone’s good.