A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: August 2003 (page 1 of 2)


A Great Opening to a Good Article About One of My Favorite Places!

“Two things strike you when you walk into the DeKalb Farmers Market. Not just strike you, but reach out and grab you: the smell and the cold.

Jayshri Joshi doesn’t notice the smell anymore — that fecund overload of fish guts and wet mops, of mangoes with their memory of the tropics, of chickens roasting and samosas frying. Of cheese, of meat, of half-sour pickles and of people. People riding forklifts and people pushing buggies with drowsy children inside. People sitting in dark, lonely corners stocking boxes of pasta, and people raking their fingers through the cool promise of Georgia green peanuts, looking for the tiniest and sweetest to surface in the pile.”

The Dekalb Farmers Market is truly something to experience…especially if you fancy yourself a “semi-chef” like I do!

A Great Opening to a Good Article About One of My …

A Great Opening to a Good Article About One of My Favorite Places!

“Two things strike you when you walk into the DeKalb Farmers Market. Not just strike you, but reach out and grab you: the smell and the cold.

Jayshri Joshi doesn’t notice the smell anymore — that fecund overload of fish guts and wet mops, of mangoes with their memory of the tropics, of chickens roasting and samosas frying. Of cheese, of meat, of half-sour pickles and of people. People riding forklifts and people pushing buggies with drowsy children inside. People sitting in dark, lonely corners stocking boxes of pasta, and people raking their fingers through the cool promise of Georgia green peanuts, looking for the tiniest and sweetest to surface in the pile.”

The Dekalb Farmers Market is truly something to experience…especially if you fancy yourself a “semi-chef” like I do!


What About That Monument in Alabama?
Are we going to Hell in a handbasket? Is this world and this culture slipping further away from God?

John Piper reminds us that this world and this culture are already antithetical to the Kingdom of God.

“Being Christian exiles in American culture does not end our influence; it takes the swagger out of it. We don�t get cranky that our country has been taken away. We don�t whine about the triumphs of evil. We are not hardened with anger. We understand. This is not new. This was the way it was in the beginning �- Antioch, Corinth, Athens, Rome. The Empire was not just degenerate, it was deadly. For three explosive centuries Christians paid for their Christ-exalting joy with blood. Many still do. More will.”

What About That Monument in Alabama? Are we going…

What About That Monument in Alabama?

Are we going to Hell in a handbasket? Is this world and this culture slipping further away from God?

John Piper reminds us that this world and this culture are already antithetical to the Kingdom of God.

“Being Christian exiles in American culture does not end our influence; it takes the swagger out of it. We don�t get cranky that our country has been taken away. We don�t whine about the triumphs of evil. We are not hardened with anger. We understand. This is not new. This was the way it was in the beginning �- Antioch, Corinth, Athens, Rome. The Empire was not just degenerate, it was deadly. For three explosive centuries Christians paid for their Christ-exalting joy with blood. Many still do. More will.”


Jordon Shoots…And Scores! Again!
“We need to move past the net as a piece of technology but as a connector of people and just like in the real world, you can’t fake relationship and connection.”

Read the rest of this great essay here.


Maybe We’re Finally Getting It!
Baptist Press reported on a group of Baptists in Texas who previewed Mel Gibson’s upcoming movie The Passion. Here’s what one pastor said:

“I have preached the cross for 33 years. The movie is everything I could ever convey with words and more.”

If it’s true that we live in a visual, image-oriented world, even the most “isolated” among us had better come to grips with the power of those images. Maybe, just maybe, we’ll continue to learn the “secret” of Jesus’ prayer for His disciples – “in the world, but not of the world.” Insulated. Not isolated.

As Leonard Sweet has said: “In the world, not of the world. But not out of it, either.”

Maybe We’re Finally Getting It! Baptist Press rep…

Maybe We’re Finally Getting It!

Baptist Press reported on a group of Baptists in Texas who previewed Mel Gibson’s upcoming movie The Passion. Here’s what one pastor said:

“I have preached the cross for 33 years. The movie is everything I could ever convey with words and more.”

If it’s true that we live in a visual, image-oriented world, even the most “isolated” among us had better come to grips with the power of those images. Maybe, just maybe, we’ll continue to learn the “secret” of Jesus’ prayer for His disciples – “in the world, but not of the world.” Insulated. Not isolated.

As Leonard Sweet has said: “In the world, not of the world. But not out of it, either.”


Oh, I see! What a maroon! In this template the comments come in ABOVE the post…that’s cool! Just note that…if you leave a comment, click the comment link above the post you’re responding to…I think!