OK, I feel a little like Larry the Cable Guy right about now…
Forgive me for that Lord, and bless all the pygmies in the Congo.
Why? Well, my prideful self is trying real hard to get the best of me this morning. This week, our church is hosting a mentor training conference for a local crisis pregnancy ministry. In fact, we’ve hosted this group in meetings just like this for several years now. We provide them space, and technology/gadgets, and our folks even go all out to make them feel welcome and comfortable with a wide variety of coffee, snacks, goodies, and fresh flowers and mints on the table, etc. etc. We have had a wonderful and mutually-beneficial and encouraging relationship with these folks over the years. They do a wonderful job at the ministry they provide, and they are top-notch in every way.
This morning, I was helping put the finishing touches on the coffee and tech setup as the conference attendees began filing into the room. This is what I heard one of the women say, and I quote…
Yeah, I just can’t for the life of me figure out why we’re meeting here instead of over at (insert local two-miles-away humongous mega-church name here)!
I don’t know why that comment is burning my backside this morning. Maybe it was the tone of her comment. I don’t know, but I’m bothered by the comment and more by my being upset about it.
I don’t have a problem with (insert local two-miles-away humongous mega-church name here). I really don’t. I think we’re all on the same team. I think I’d rather be in close proximity to a place where God is working than not. When our folks have poor-mouthed and bad-mouthed about (insert local two-miles-away humongous mega-church name here) – and trust me, they have and they do! – I always try to correct and encourage them by reminding them we have an enemy but it’s not the folks over at (insert local two-miles-away humongous mega-church name here).
I guess my gripe this morning is that we’re not glamorous, hip and happening, cool, and cutting-edge, and all that, but at least in this one area, we’re trying the best we can to make a difference in the world with God’s help.
OK, sorry…rant over…please return to your regularly scheduled Tuesday…