A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: April 2013 (page 1 of 1)

Write What You Know…

I Thought That The World Had Lost Its Sway, And Then I Fell in Love With You

Thomas Hawk via Compfight

Mark Twain reportedly said, “Write what you know.”

Others have echoed that sentiment, and others have dismissed it.

My favorite quote on the subject came from an interview with Georgia physician-author, Ferrol Sams, who repeated his college writing professor’s adage: “Don’t write a story about the streets of Paris if you’ve never been out of Valdosta.”

Writers, it is said, are defined by one thing: whether they write. I want to write, always have.

Started a few times, got discouraged or afraid of how others would respond, quit.

Had a pity party. Claimed I really wanted to write, but just didn’t have anything to write about that anyone else would want to read. Rationalized that I don’t know enough about anything to write coherently.

Whined. In blog posts. Promised to do better.

Encouraged others to write. Acted like I knew how to encourage others to write.And on and on.

Finally, I have come to a couple of conclusions about writing.

I can write what I know/ Or I can learn something else and write about it.

It doesn’t really matter if anyone else wants to read it. At first. If I keep on, they will want to read it eventually.

Practice may not make perfect, but if I don’t write, one thing’s for sure: I won’t be a writer.

So, I’ve never been to Paris. And the streets of Valdosta would probably seem as unfamiliar anyway. So here’s to learning and observing and gathering and sharing what I know.

Maybe you’ll come along…

Sunday Night Unwind, 04.07.2013…


Hi dee ho, loyal readers! All two of you! Where have you been? Oh, wait…

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for all weekend: the possibility of a Sunday Night Unwind! Here goes…

  • We started a brand-new series at The Crest today. The series is called Girls Rule! and we’re looking at some of the women in the Bible who made a real difference!
  • Today’s episode was all about Rahab. You know…the squeaky-clean, well-connected, nice little socialite from Jericho? The fact of the matter is, Rahab had a past. Yet, as I repeated this morning, her past was no match for the grace of God!
  • I’m amazed by how many well-meaning people have a problem with people with a past. Unfortunately, pasts are like…navels: everybody has one! (I cleaned that one up for you!)
  • I’ve heard all kinds of theories about Rahab this week.
  • My favorite? She wasn’t really a prostitute. She was a flax dealer. And a successful one. That’s why the men in the area lied and made up the story about prostitution. They were jealous of her success! Really?!?!?
  • The men of the day probably lied about Rahab, all right. But the flax dealer story was obviously the cover-up!
  • “Where was I? Oh…uh…I was just checking out the latest in flax stalks. Yeah, that’s the ticket!”
  • You really do damage to the text – and your credibility – if you insist on sanitizing Rahab’s story and her profession. She was a hooker!
  • But she became a hero through God’s grace which led her to faith. Pretty amazing story, actually!
  • Since this post is already dragging a bit, suffice it to say this notorious shady woman was instrumental in saving God’s people, achieving God’s purpose, and making way for Jesus! Pretty good for a woman of ill repute, huh?
  • BTW, the graphic for the series is supposed to channel a shopping bag, thank you very much! Sorry…
  • BTW #2: You get some interesting results when you search for Rahab graphics. Just sayin’…
  • I’m mulling over a series of church leadership posts based on 1 Peter 5:1-11.
  • This is the first week since January I don’t have papers to grade and class prep.
  • I plan on catching up on some reading, doing a little writing, checking some items off the honey-do list, and fulfilling my voluntary patriotic contribution.
  • I’ve been thinking about credibility and communication lately.

Finally, let me leave you with this simple but powerful quote from the late, great Peter Drucker: “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”

Thanks, and to all a good night!