Long, long day. Tired. No music playing for the Unwind tonight. Not literally, anyway. Got an earworm for Gesu Bambino, as sung by one of the most gifted and talented sopranos I know…the great Alison Holmes Adams, who just happened to sing that tonight at our Christmas Eve Eve “Christmas Songs” program. And who also just happens to be the wife of our student minister (and the real reason we keep him around!)
Some Sunday night stuff…
- Our pianist ain’t too shabby, either! (I’ll show you who he is when I find out where he is online!)
- Our little group of singers is pretty OK, too! (Thanks, gang!)
- The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” knows how to throw a party!
- Lots of guests tonight – including some of “The Boy’s” buds!
- Speaking of “The Boy…” I got a text message from him earlier this week that simply said: “I killed my dinner tonight.” He already got his Christmas gifts from us: Georgia Boots and blue jeans. He’s turning into a regular South Georgia good ol’ boy. Go figure…
- I sat at brunch and post-concert reception today calculating how many strides on the elliptical machine it will take tomorrow to undo the nutritional damage I did today. Not good…
- But, hey…doesn’t part of the Christmas magic include a magical, mystical disappearance of all calories in party goodies? I thought so…
- I don’t care who you are, the Vince Guaraldi soundtrack for A Charlie Brown Christmas sure makes for great Christmas party background music!
- We talked about hiding Christmas gifts in plain view this morning. And isn’t that really what God did when Jesus showed up in a manger in Bethlehem?
- Got one of these from one of my members. No, silly…not one of those members. One of these members!
- Mmmmmm…sausage balls, tea cakes, red punch, hot wassail punch, chocolate chip cookies, pound cake, sugar cookies, etc! Did I mention the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” sure knows how to throw a party?!?!
- 4:00 a.m. comes early in the morning, especially when it’ll be 20-something degrees outside. Brrrrrrr!
That’ll pretty much do it for me tonight! Where’s my cap? I’m settling in for a short winter’s nap…later!