A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Unwinds (page 8 of 8)

Sunday Night Unwind, 05.27.07…

Summer Solstice CD Image
Classic Windham Hill! Pretty good Memorial Day at church. Number 3 in the Joshua series – “Obstacle or Opportunity?” – Jericho, natch. Great almost free meal – thanks to a gift card from the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie’s” recent birthday. A trip to The ‘Pot (HT: Kelsey Bohlender!) to get a few flowers on sale. Home to mow the dirt. Now unwinding with music that just sounds like summer. Not the top-down, cruisin’ kind of summer, but the hammock-on-the-porch, big ol’ glass of lemonade (with Splenda, of course!) kind of summer.

Ah, summer…

Thursday Night Unwind, 04.12.07…

I unearthed some old CDs I had burned back in the free Napster days…good stuff! No, great stuff!

Right now, I’m halfway through one I labeled “Beach, Soul & Dance” with a funky old-time jukebox on the label. It includes such classics as “Dancin’, Shaggin’ on the Boulevard” by Alabama, “One Mint Julep” by The Clovers, “Do It (‘Til You’re Satisfied” by BT Express, “You’re First, The Last, My Everything” by Barry White, and the currently-playing gem…

…wait for it…

…wait for it…

“Copacabana” by Barry Manilow!

Man, you gotta love it! (Oh, and there’s a volume 2 also. Can’t wait!)