A few days ago, out of nowhere, “rhymes_with_kerouac” showed up in my comments. I’m glad s/he did! S/He offers a perspective on life that I don’t know much about – life inside a homeless shelter. You’ve gotta love a person whose description includes…
I write maudlin poetry and sing off-key, though I have the sense to not caterwaul in the shower. I’m always writing, and can spend three hours at the keyboard without batting an eye. I have yet to encounter an unfriendly dog, an unwise cat or a small child that was not a professor. I tip waitresses with abandon and treat cab-drivers with respect, but somehow manage to annoy almost everyone else.
So after a couple of insightful and challenging comments, I decided “rhymes_with_kerouac” has got to be in the list o’ links! Go ahead, check out Daily Life in a Homeless Shelter…