As I thought about change and habits and discipline and all that stuff today, I wondered to myself about how I got from “there” to “here.” And I wondered to myself if there has been a process or a system that could possibly be applied to other aspects of my life that need improvement.
I didn’t intend to come up with a new edition of the Twelve Step Program, but it just turned out that I journaled about twelve points along my journey so far.
These are subject to the disclaimer in the previous post, and they aren’t necessarily in any particular order.
I’m going to list them here, and maybe – if both you loyal readers can stand it – I’ll unpack them as we go along later.
Straight out of my Moleskine…
How did I accomplish any progress in my physical health to this point?
- Started with an opportunity, really to serve someone else at the beginning of my process – to be a “hero” to the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” – to provide something for her, the opportunity to resume her swimming at the new YMCA in town
- Began at the beginning. Had to be humble enough to ask for help and risk looking like a doofus
- Agreed to pay the price
- Assessed the reality of the situation with someone who could help (my comedian physician). I knew what she was saying was true, but I had to act on it!
- Started small. (Note to self: This is the greatest concern I have with applying the same effort to other areas that need deep change: I don’t think I really have time to take the “baby steps! The problems are too great! The obstacles are too overwhelming! I need to see change/solutions NOW! No, yesterday!)
- Tried out a variety of things but found something that worked for me, a routine to start with.
- Daily, daily, daily! Had to get up and make the drive to the Y.
- Tried to look the part – got workout clothes, shoes, etc.
- Read, studied, researched
- Had to stop some things – ice cream in the middle of the night, Cokes, etc.
- Had to start some other things
- Tracked progress