It’s time for another installment of The Stack o’ Stuff – random links I found on the way to somewhere else…smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em!
- Leaders are readers, but how do you retain the good stuff from what you read? Bert Webb gives some great tips on marking up your books over at Open Loops
- It’s all about transparency and being real. So says Ed Brenegar
- Pastors and their busy schedules. I’ve read a couple of guys’ posts about their work week. Like this one and this one and this one and this one
- “Encourage your minister.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon, via Pyromaniacs
- Your presentation is going great – until that pesky loudmouth in the audience decides to try and derail you. What do you do then? Garr Reynolds compiles a compendium of constructive components to completely cover the circumstances.
- C’mon, admit it…you love those grunge fonts! Here’s 25 free ones for you to use!
- George Barna on emerging churches, ancient future worship, and a few other fads via Paradoxology
- So, somebody won the huge Powerball drawing over the weekend? A mathematician talks about the long odds
- Bill Kinnon says he’s an addict. “Hey, Bill. So are we…”