Out of the Big Box Church and Into the Real World
Did you catch this quote from Alan Roxburgh via Karen Neudorf via Jordon Cooper?
“Our culture does not need any more churches run like corporations; it needs local communities empowered by the gospel vision of a transforming Christ who addresses the needs of the context and changes the polis into a place of hope and wholeness.”
Kind of reminds me of the story where Jesus gathers His disciples together and, walking through the communities among the people, He tells them to pray that God would send harvesters into the ready fields. The very next verse…He sends the disciples themselves out into that world!
I’ve been kind of discouraged about our church folks’ response – or lack of response – to our annual Vacation Bible School. But, in the middle of my discouragement and disappointment, God is opening up a door for us to move out into our ready harvest! We’re taking the show on the road to a nearby trailer park, where there are some real needs. Exciting!