A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: May 2005 (page 2 of 5)

Thursday:The Soundtrack…

I’m sitting here reading and studying today, and I’m listening to MusicMatch Jukebox’s Artist Match Radio feature. (If you’ve got a 2-year old or newer Dell computer, you’ve probably already got it on your machine.) Anyway, today’s soundtrack is from Molly Hatchet Artist Match radio, which includes Molly Hatchet (of course!) and related artists like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ted Nugent, The Outlaws, etc. At this very moment, “Foreplay/Long Time” by Boston has just finished, and “Long-Haired Country Boy” by Charlie Daniels is kicking in!

Cool Baseball Story…

See the first picture? That’s Kyle Davies. He’s a rookie pitcher for the Atlanta Braves. He’ll make his second big-league start tonight against the New York Mets at Turner Field in Atlanta. “So what?” you ask. 29 other pitchers will start ball games tonight as well.

See the kid in the yellow T-shirt in the second picture? That’s Kyle Davies in 1991, posing with his hometown heroes, the Atlanta Braves. That’s John Smoltz on the left. Kyle Davies is from the metro Atlanta area, and a big ol’ bunch of his family and friends will be there tonight pulling for him.

Again, “So what?” I just think it must be pretty cool to be on the same team with guys you’ve idolized and looked up to for all these years.

That’s what…

Fighting/Playing to Win or Trying to Keep from Losing?

There is a difference – and the difference is huge!

I started thinking about this difference while reading Tom Peters’s recent blog post about a new biography of Admiral Nelson. Peters says…

The meticulous/academic author attributed much of Nelson’s prowess to the fact that: “[Other] admirals more frightened of losing than anxious to win.”

Then, I read in Andy Stanley’s The Next Generation Leader about General U.S. Grant, not the personal character role model for leaders, but who operated with such a sense of clarity in the middle of uncertainty. Stanley says…

In the early days of the war, Northern generals were so focused on avoiding casualties and embarrassing losses that they would miss strategic opportunities. They spent more time exercising the troops than they did engaging the enemy. (p. 87)

I believe both Peters and Stanley would agree that the best way to achieve our objectives is to go boldly into the uncertain future with a clear vision of what those objectives are. People will follow that kind of clear and bold leadership. Too many of us are trying to play it safe – and we are setting ourselves – and our organizations – up for inertia at best, and defeat at worst.

They May Be in for a Real Surprise…

Today, I’ve already four different people find my blog by googling for “amish porn.” Of course, their search leads to this post. None of ’em are leaving comments, so I don’t know if they’re disappointed, shocked, angry, amused or what when they click the link. It is rather interesting, though…

My Oughtobiography…

One of the first places on the Web I ever bookmarked was Randy Glasbergen’s cartoon site. His simple characters often reflect profound truths about business, relationships, family, and life in general. They’re also good for a great laugh, and his stuff literally covers the little bulletin board on my office door.

Glasbergen’s entry for today shows a guy typing at his computer. He’s saying, “I’m writing about all the things I ought to do before I die. It’s my oughtobiography.”

This reminds me of the now well-worn Covey principle that says we ought to “Begin with the end in mind.” If we could somehow take the long look ahead, decide what we want to be remembered for, and then set our course according to that compass, what a difference it would make!

Covey also said…

Live out of your imagination, not your history.

What’s in your “oughtobiography?” It’s never too late to start writing it…