One of the first places on the Web I ever bookmarked was Randy Glasbergen’s cartoon site. His simple characters often reflect profound truths about business, relationships, family, and life in general. They’re also good for a great laugh, and his stuff literally covers the little bulletin board on my office door.
Glasbergen’s entry for today shows a guy typing at his computer. He’s saying, “I’m writing about all the things I ought to do before I die. It’s my oughtobiography.”
This reminds me of the now well-worn Covey principle that says we ought to “Begin with the end in mind.” If we could somehow take the long look ahead, decide what we want to be remembered for, and then set our course according to that compass, what a difference it would make!
Covey also said…
Live out of your imagination, not your history.
What’s in your “oughtobiography?” It’s never too late to start writing it…