A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: December 2005 (page 2 of 2)

OK, While We’re in That “City of Angels” Mood…

This one* seems right-on-target today, too…

How’d I fail to see this little bedtime tale was funny?
I could cry to think of all the irony I’ve missed!
What an unusual twist, right at the end of it

Who could see that this pathetic scene would be so funny?
Once you strain to find the grain of humor underneath,
Life double-crosses with style, forcing you into a smile,
So it can kick you in the teeth.

Just desserts – we can all laugh till it hurts at my expense –
I’m accustomed to working on “spec”
I always pick up the check

I think it’s funny
Who could top or make this comic opera more compelling?
You could weave in some deceit to even up the score;
You’d have us all on the floor.

That would be roaringly funny,
Sad enough my life’s a joke that suffers in the telling,
Just another hoary chestnut from the bottom drawer
I’ve heard so often before that I can’t laugh anymore.

* “Funny” from City of Angels
Music by Cy Coleman Lyrics by David Zippel

Just Some Stuff I’m Wondering About…

Some “specks of lint that fell out, the last time that I picked my brain…*”

  • Apparently, some people have such an aversion to the truth, they wouldn’t know it if it kicked bit them in the butt.
  • Apparently, some people are right (they’re wrong, but they’re right correct!)…It’s not that they’re lazy; they really just don’t care.
  • Who cares about apathy?
  • You could expend a lot less effort by doing what’s right the whole time, instead of trying to desperately come up with something at the very end.
  • Apparently, some people just like to be aren’t happy unless they’re miserable.
  • Coddling doesn’t work. Neither does getting tough.
  • Two full years is plenty of time to figure out that this gig may not be the right one for you.
  • A unilateral friendship really isn’t a friendship – it’s sucking up for whatever reason.
  • Rick Warren is right…Money you don’t have, things you don’t need, people you don’t really like.

* from “You’re Nothing Without Me” from City of Angels
Music by Cy Coleman Lyrics by David Zippel

When the Jehovah’s Witnesses Show Up at Your Door…

Once upon a time, my roommate answered the door to the Jehovah’s Witnesses wearing – only! – a sheet!

My other roommate, now a successful accountant in Atlanta, was once reduced to almost tears by the Jehovah’s Witnesses at our apartment door (“I don’t think my momma would want me talking to those folks,” he almost whimpered, as he frantically closed the curtains.)

I, myself have encountered the Jehovah’s Witnesses in many different situations. (One elderly, but rookie, Witness, said, in my driveway, “But Jehovah God doesn’t make deals, and I don’t think I can, either.” She’s also the one that I “guided” through her own presentation, because she didn’t have a clue what she was doing. When she got to the part about wanting be a part of the “144,000” I told her to look for me in verse 9.)

But I digress…

I bring up all those Jehovah’s Witness anecdotes simply to point out that whatever your response, however you choose to share your faith, it’s probably not a good idea to include a butcher knife.

Just a thought…

That’ll Probably Do It for the Christmas Music…

I came home the day before yesterday to find a plain brown carton – from the Musical Heritage Society – on my front porch. I was like a kid at Christmas. See, I had ordered from the MHS clearance section. I got these six CDs for five bucks apiece! This will more than likely complete my Christmas music acquisitions for this year.

Joe Williams may be best known to many Americans as Claire Huxtable’s father on The Cosby Show. But before his daughter married Dr. Huxtable, Joe Williams had already made a name for himself as a great jazz singer. When I grow up, I want to sing Christmas songs like Joe Williams.

Tony Bennett’s Snowfall was first released in 1968. This remastered, repackaged edition probably ought to be in the rotation for your Christmas open house/dinner.

If you like jazz, and if you like Christmas music, find the Verve collection Have Yourself a Jazzy Little Christmas. I was working late at the church office Wednesday night and I had this CD playing. When Ella Fitzgerald sang The Secret of Christmas…

So may I suggest, the secret of Christmas
It’s not the things you do, at Christmas time
But the Christmas things you do all year through…

…I was wiping a little dust. Good stuff!

Spike Jones. No, silly…not the one with a “z” in his misspelled name! The one with the City Slickers! You’d be hard pressed to find a more competent and talented bunch of musicians from the 1940s and 1950s. Thing is, their excellent musicianship was masked by the silliness of their stuff. Oddly enough, this Christmas collection reflects Spike Jones’s more “serious” side. Jingle Bells (in pig Latin!) and I’m Gettin’ Nothin’ for Christmas notwithstanding, this is a great Christmas CD. (Check the tight vocal harmony on Silent Night.)

In a former life, many moons ago, I was a trumpet player and all-around brass aficionado. There’s something about Christmas music and brass ensembles that is just right. The Canadian Brass enlists a few of their friends to make Noel wonderful. And did you know that they include the great Stan Kenton arrangement of Angels We Have Heard on High? In the same vein, Christmas Fanfare is a little more “buttoned up” version of Christmas set to brass.

So, that’ll just about do it for me and my listening for the year. What about you? What music makes it really Christmas for you? Got any favorites? Any off-the-wall and out-of-the-ordinary Christmas music?

Don’t You Really Know His Name in This World?

From a letter written by C.S. Lewis, addressing an 11-year-old girl’s questions about the identity of Aslan…

As to Aslan’s other name, well I want you to guess. Has there ever been anyone in this world who 1) Arrived at the same time as Father Christmas. 2) Said he was the son of the Great Emperor. 3) Gave himself up for someone else’s fault to be jeered at and killed by wicked people. 4) Came to life again. 5) Is sometimes spoken of as a Lamb. Don’t you really know His name in this world. Think it over and let me know your answer.

Link via Dick Staub