A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: January 2007 (page 3 of 3)

Tuesday Night Unwind…

I’ve “unwound” to tonight’s selection before, but some things are just worth repeating!

The John Coltrane solo on “Flamenco Sketches”…man! That – among other things – is what makes Kind of Blue arguably the greatest jazz recording of all time! And that’s what makes it tonight’s unwind at the end of a pretty good day!

More Numbers from the Fitness Quest…

Last week, I signed up to have my body fat percentage tested. Now as both of you loyal readers will recall, 2006 was a banner year for my personal physical fitness. I went from 274 pounds on January 2, 2006 to a svelte 190 by Thanksgiving, and I’ve maintained that level through all the holiday eating festivities!

Between the time I signed up for the body fat test and actually taking the test today, I had my annual physical exam as well. Let me brag just a bit more.

Remember my comedian doctor told me that in addition to needing to “jettison some excess tonnage,” my liver enzymes were also high? This year, the new guy (from Canada, eh?) kind of scratched his head and said…

This is a typo, right? You really haven’t lost over 80 pounds since this time last year, have you?

“No typo,” I replied.

He went on to say this…

Your liver enzyme levels were rather high last year, and they seem to have come way down. It was 94 last January, and we like to see it no higher than 43 in guys your age. Your level this year is 26!

So anyway, today was the day of the body fat test. Kind of a weird experience where you have to completely submerge in this big ol’ tub, assume a pushup position, and blow out all your air as fast and as hard as you can. More than once.

I was a little worried about what the number would show, since I’ve never had this tested before. The optimum health range for guys my age is 18.1% to 15.1%. Mine was 17.6! I’ll take it!

I think I just found my next challenge though – getting it down to 15%. According to my tester’s information, that means I need to drop around 6.3 more pounds of fat. That would put me at 183.7! I can do that! I think I will do that!