If you’re going to be in Atlanta tomorrowtonight

I have 2 tickets for The Phantom of the Opera at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta for tomorrowtonight, Tuesday, September 20. The show starts promptly at 8:00 p.m. and you�ll probably need to be there a little early, according to the Fox people.

These tickets have a face value of $50 (US) each. I�ll let you have them for $37.50 (US) each, for a total of $75.00 (US).

The tickets are available in .pdf format, and I can e-mail them to you immediately, if you�re interested. You�d have to print them out and take them with you to the Fox.

We�ve had something come up and we�re not going to be able to use the tickets, and I�d hate to see them go to waste.

But time is of the essence�you need to let me know ASAP if you�re interested so I can get them to you in plenty of time.

Think about it, it�s a great deal, if you can go.

BTW, this is the live stage version of Phantom, not the recent movie version. It�s the last week, and you might be sorry if you miss this deal.

The tickets are for seats ORCH JJ 25 and 27 (they really are next to each other) and you can check out the seating chart at the Fox Theatre�s website.

Thanks, and hope you can make use of the tickets. Let me know ASAP�first come, first serve!