One of the old Foxworthy lines goes something like this…
You Might Be A Redneck If…
The fireworks stand gives you a volume discount.
And judging from the sounds all around my neighborhood tonight, that outfit in the parking lot of Wal-Mart has been plenty busy, with volume discounts for all! (I wondered why that church van was always parked out there by the TNT tent. Turns out it’s a fund raiser for the church! Which may just spawn yet another Foxworthy line…). Dang, Gary, you missed a great opportunity!
Anyway, I like fireworks as much as the next guy. I’m as patriotic as I can be. But it sounds like Baghdad tonight.
Somewhere, sometime, between now and tomorrow night at this time, the TV news in Atlanta will report a fireworks incident/accident, which, in real time, will have begun with some guy uttering that immortal phrase…
Hey! Hold muh beer an’ watch ‘is!
Just wait…