One of the guys who stops by these parts of the blogosphere from time to time is the illustrious Sean Michael Murphy, of the West Chester, Ohio Murphy clan. He’s quick with a comment, and usually his comments are insightful and make me think. He also happens to have one of the coolest blog titles I know of. Yeah, go on over there and check it out.

Anyway, he posted today about the Adam Sandler movie Click, currently playing at a megaplex near you. His post quickly leaves the movie, and he ends up talking a lot about going back and living your life over with the knowledge and experience you have. What would that be like?

Here’s the last two paragraphs…

None of this really has anything to do with Click. His deal is more about fast forwarding through the rough times. By doing that, he misses out on life…and really living.

I wonder how much of life I miss out on by skipping by the great challenges? How different would my life be, going forward – if I embraced the challenges and dove straight into them, and took some greater risks…

Don’t miss that last “I wonder.” Don’t you dare miss it! In fact, you may want to print it out, tape it where you can see it, and refer to it often. Just so you don’t miss it…