…head…heart…torn-up Moleskine…

  • How can I tell if I know Jesus? If I’m keeping His commandments! That’s it!
  • How can I tell if I’m following Him? If I walk in the same way in which He walked!
  • Just because I’m in a difficult or even impossible place, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m out of God’s will, or that I’m disobedient, or that I missed His leading, or even that I’m a colossal failure. It may just mean I’m right where He took me (cf. Ezekiel 37) or where He sent me (cf. Jeremiah 29). I really need to remember that right now!
  • Mike Slaughter wrote…“Renewal is much more than adding a little more Jesus to the mix. A little more Jesus won’t work. Jesus must be the absolute focus.” (Spiritual Entrepreneurs, p. 35)