It’s been a cold breezy November day here in north Georgia. All in all, a pretty good day in our world. Some of what made it the way it was…

  • Long-distance birthday wishes to my dad. he hit the big 81 today! And he opined that since he hadn’t seen his name in the obituary section of the newspaper, it had been a pretty good day!
  • The day started waaaaay early for a Sunday! Actually, Sunday was just a continuation from Saturday night. The only sleep I got was about an hour’s worth, sitting right here in my desk chair. Why? I don’t know! I was just pretty jacked up about Sunday, I guess!
  • Not too bad a day at The ‘Crest.
  • The Falcons were thaaaaat close!
  • Today’s One Year Bible selections from Psalm 115, Ezekiel 33-34, and Hebrews 13 are still challenging me on leadership. (Obligatory blog-stat-increasing mention of Gary Lamb: I know, I know…so what am I going to about that challenge now?!?!).
  • A rare day in “traditional church” circles: Not a hymnal in sight!
  • Otis Redding was genius, who left us waaaaaay too early!
  • BTW, did I ever tell you about having a class with Otis’ daughter, Karla? Funny story about the day she was absent from our 200-student biology lecture!
  • New goodies around here, music and books!
  • Music? Harry Connick, Jr.’s What a Night! via the best big brother I ever had, Yo-Yo Ma and friends’ Songs of Joy & Peace via Starbucks on iTunes. Waiting for the new Enya Christmas project to be ready for downloading.
  • Books? ESV Study Bible, half-price at LifeWay, and Gordon MacDonald’s Who Stole My Church? The Bible has already been used, and the other one is waiting patiently until I finish the in-process books in my bag right now!
  • Three “Guys’ Essential” movies on TV tonight: The Godfather, The Godfather II, and Braveheart. Leadership lessons abound, except Braveheart was on one of the Spanish language channels. Kind of funny listening to the “fine speech” dubbed en EspaƱol!

OK, sorry for the incoherent, irrelevant ramblings. That’s about all I’ve got in the tank tonight! Gotta get up and get going dark and early as usual about five hours and some change from now! Hope your day was great! Hope you’ll make your Monday count…it’s the only one you’ll get this week! See you later!