WOW! What an opening line! I saw this over at The First Epistle of Mark. It does seem that “everything old is new again” and vice versa. That which we think is new, fresh, hip, happening, cool, dope, sick, clutch, or whatever gets old, stale, dull, square, lame, sketch or whatever pretty quickly.
I wonder why that is. Maybe it’s because we get caught up in being trying to be new, fresh, hip, happening, cool, dope, sick, clutch, or whatever, and forget to be who we were created to be, doing what we were created to do.
This so-called “emerging” church has some real thinkers and doers who may just be blazing the trail to a new reformation and renaissance. But it also has some posers and hangers-on who will be on this kick for a while, then off to the next new, fresh, hip, happening, cool, dope, sick, clutch, or whatever thing that comes along. Maybe I’m one of ’em, who knows?