A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Adventures (page 2 of 7)

2014 Intentions…

On the Camino againCreative Commons License José Antonio Gil Martínez via Compfight 

Three weeks in, and I’m just getting around to my intentions for 2014. I quipped on Facebook that #1 would be  “Stop Procrastinating.”

Please note I didn’t say “resolutions.” I discovered a long time ago that “resolutions” don’t really work so well. You make unrealistic ones, and then when you fail early on, you pile guilt on top of the necessary changes. So let’s just say I’ve thought about some “intentions” for this year and leave it at that, shall we?

Anyway, these are not the only things I need to do/stop doing/change, but here’s a start…

  • Read the books currently on my Kindle. I love books. I consider myself a reader. It’s important! I love to find new books and have others recommend them. But I have plenty of books already on my shelves and my Kindle that are in various stages of unread. I need to finish them. I intend to start with the “almost-finished” ones currently on my Kindle as a launching pad for my reading plan in 2014.
  • Learn Adobe Photoshop. I don’t expect to become an expert. I just want to become proficient enough to use this powerful tool for improving our church media, my class materials, and any other digital imagery needs I have.
  • Learn Adobe Illustrator. See above.
  • Learn Adobe InDesign. See above again.
  • Write 300 words every day. I keep talking about wanting to write. And I keep coming up with excuses why I don’t. I know it has to become a habit. The only way it becomes a habit is to do it. Daily. I’m not sure how to estimate 300 words. (This post is currently at 277.) Jeff Goins, Guy Kawasaki, and many others say you have to be brutal about developing the habit. Starting today, I’m putting on my writer’s mask, and going for it! Some of those words will be in the old Moleskine. Others may be here in this space. I hope some will be compelling enough to end up on your must-read list!
  • Cultivate my LinkedIn account. I did a workshop on using it and other social media at a university career event last summer. I set up my own account but since then it has languished in disuse. I see the value. I need to take advantage of that and other tools.

That’s about it, so far. I wrote in my Moleskine that I intended to “use my daily time wisely.” I scratched through that line, because I knew it wasn’t specific enough to motivate me toward action. I need to make better use of the days, but I’m not sure how I’m going approach that task yet.

There are other areas I need to take intentional steps toward improvement. I see this year as a pilgrimage of sorts. The journey begins today. Let’s see where we end up! Buen camino!

Random Thoughts from a Rainy Morning Run…


The lovely and gracious MrsCharphar and I head out for a run/walk every morning before daylight. She runs the whole way, while I do more interval training. At any rate, we end up running by ourselves together. It offers a great opportunity to listen to some great music, engaging podcasts, and random thoughts from my own mind and heart. Here are a few that were bouncing around in the rain this morning.

  • Fitness after 50? Funny, from where I stand, fitness after 50 is the same as fitness at any age: consistent healthy nutrition, an active lifestyle, regular intense training, and a positive mental attitude should do the trick. At  25 or 75. Or beyond.
  • Miles Davis, “All Blues.” When I played in the high school jazz band, I was afraid of improvisation. I thought great improvisation had to be ornate, complicated, and busy. But Miles’s solos (the others, too, but especially Miles) are spare, sparse, economical, and elegant. I like that, and I think that may be what makes Kind of Blue my favorite jazz album of all.
  • Like it or not, it seems our culture is being influenced by Buddhism and other Eastern thought. In some of my moments, I wonder exactly what is the fascination. At other times, though, I wonder what principles can translate to make what we do better. What frightens me is that we may diluting the very thing that makes Jesus-apprentices “Followers of The Way.” Maybe it’s not Buddhism per se. Maybe it’s the hodgepodge, cafeteria-style approach to spirituality that seems to be all the rage these days. This is indeed a different world in which we live.
  • What I like about Alton Brown, I think, is that he comes across as a regular person. I know his public persona may be a lot different from who he really is. But at least on the podcast, he seems ordinary. And he also seems like the guy who wants to learn a lot about a lot of things. He even shows his guests to be the kind of folks you’d like to have dinner or coffee with. Or a beer, if you’re into such things. Even Valerie Bertinelli!



BACK HOME AGAIN, Brig. General Robert C. Oliver, Chief of Staff of the 13th Air Force, welcomes Lt. Stanley J. Hillock that was rescued from a remote site where his aircraft crashed, April 1947, Luzon, Philippines John Tewell via Compfight

Well, I can mark “being admitted into the hospital” and “surgery” off my bucket list.

This week, for the first time in 52+ years of hanging around this planet I did both. Spent five days there. Admitted through the ER Monday for pancreatitis. Scope procedure, MRI, and other fun party games Tuesday. Gall bladder removal Thursday. Home Friday afternoon. Whew!

Seems Like a Good Time to Work on That List…

(Image via: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sparkypics/1411327389/)

(Image via: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sparkypics/1411327389/)

The Bucket List, I mean.

In light of this morning’s random thoughts, all day long I’ve been thinking about what would go on that list. Fact is, I’ve thought about it along and along, but never really thought about it.

So far today, that list includes trains, baseball, and a symphony orchestra.

I’ll let you know how it turns out…

Happy New Year…

IMage via http://www.flickr.com/photos/thelotuscarroll/6506931829/

Image via http://www.flickr.com/photos/thelotuscarroll/6506931829/

Happy New Year, everybody! All two of you loyal readers, that is!

Like everyone else, I’m looking for ways to take stock and take action toward becoming a better person in this, my 52nd new year. And like most people, I’ll set some big goals, make some big plans, and take some very little steps.

At any rate, here are a couple of ideas I’ve been thinking about during this first day of 2013…

  • Looking Backward/Looking Forward. This is certainly one of the most common themes for any new year. In my line of work, a lot of guys will pull out familiar words to help focus on the future. While this is all well and good, some of them will miss an important admonition just a few lines down. Yes, 2012 is in the rear-view mirror. And yes, 2013 is out the windshield. And I know that if you focus more on the mirror than the windshield bad things are bound to happen. But don’t forget to hold the ground you’ve already taken. Be sure to secure your progress. And you can only do that if you think on the lessons learned and continually improve on the things that got you where you are.
  • Seasons. Every year I read through the Bible using the One Year Bible reading plan. It’s familiar, yet surprisingly fresh every time! I’ve read Psalm 1 hundreds of times in my life. And today, as I kicked of the OYB plan, I noticed this phrase: “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.” Our lives consist of seasons, it seems. Just as the winter gives way to spring, and the summer loses its identity into fall, so our lives reflect a passing and changing seasonal nature. One of my areas of improvement this year is to recognize the season in which I find myself. I’m not the man I was 30 years ago, or even six months ago. I hope! So, my new year prayer today is: “Lord, let me be fruitful in this season.”
  • Challenges. Every new year presents new opportunities for growth. We often fail to realize those opportunities are disguised as challenges. We tend to see the obstacles and make excuses, rather than focusing on the opportunities and developing new skills and strategies for moving through the difficult spots. What obstacles are in your way as 2013 unfolds? Are there any opportunities waiting within the obstacles?

I hope your new year will prove to be a season of growth and success. I pray that for you, your family, and your team. Happy New Year indeed!


Sunday Night Unwind, 10.18.09…

Hey, loyal readers…both of you! I’m unwinding tonight in Starbucks in Woodstock, Georgia. This is becoming a weekly ritual after long days. I’ve got the old iTunes kicked up , and I’m listening to a Genius mix based on Hillsong United’s great From the Inside Out.

Some things on my mind and in my heart tonight…

  • True confession time: Today was the first day in a long, long time I didn’t actually dread showing up at church. I know that’s weird for a pastor to say. Somewhere along the way to somewhere else, I lost that real sense of joy I used to have. Today was different, and I pray that’s going to be a regular thing again.
  • I don’t share that to whine, but just to lay it out there, and let you know that if you’ve got an extra prayer or two, I won’t try to convince you not to use them on my behalf!
  • I’m teaching through the powerful and practical epistle of James these days. It’s been good to get back to my roots, so to speak. For all the cool, hip, happening, relevant topical preaching out there, there is still something pretty powerful about opening up part of The Book and working through it in a systematic, deliberate way.
  • I want to be both Biblical and unboring.
  • I talked about facing the future this morning. I wondered aloud if I talk a lot about faith and all that, but live like a “practical atheist,” as though God really doesn’t exist and is not a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Ouch!
  • I wondered aloud if I presume on His grace when I assume things about tomorrow that may or may not be true. And yes, I used the great lesson of the word assume: you make one out of U and ME when you do it! Ouch, Number 2!
  • And I wondered aloud if I’m cruising through my life with God’s dream, purpose, and plans percolating on the inside, but not taking shape in my life. I wondered aloud what’s keeping me from fulfilling His plan and purposes. Big OUCH, Number 3!
  • I’m planning on talking about money next week.
  • I’m learning some hard lessons about trusting God to provide in the face of great need these days. At least I hope I’m learning the lessons. I don’t want this process to go on indefinitely!
  • Fasting without praying is just a cruel and joyless diet.
  • Action cures fear.
  • I’ve got at least 3 books in various stages of unread. I need to finish them and find something new.
  • I’m old and tired. That’s reality, but I tend to trot it out as a convenient excuse for not doing something.
  • I love Loreena McKennitt’s Christmas stuff!
  • I’m breaking my own rule and actually rooting for an orange team against another orange team next weekend. Hey, Perry…make sure your Tigers win, OK?
  • BTW, how ’bout them Jackets?!?!?
  • What the heck is a Hokie anyway?
  • There’s way too much math homework going on in here tonight!
  • My couple of hours of free wi-fi is about up, and my rambling has about rambled out.

Make it a great evening!

Sunday Night Unwind, 11.02.08…

I just finished up a pretty hectic weekend, filled with a LOT of driving! So now I’m finally home, and I’m wiped out, but just too jacked up to go to bed! Here are some highlights, thoughts, etc….

  • A trip to south Georgia and back, while not nearly as long as it used to be, is still a killer. TWO of those trips in 72 hours is even worse!
  • Had a great time at my home church today. It was the annual “homecoming” celebration our tribe is famous for (let the reader understand!).
  • I don’t know what a “normal” crowd is like for that church, but it seemed to be a pretty good turnout today.
  • Did you know I have a big brother who can sing? Did you know he’s the best big brother I’ve got? Oh, did you know he’s the only brother – big or otherwise – that I have?
  • Oh, and did you know he did a great job today?
  • It doesn’t take a lot to make my mom and dad happy and proud.
  • I stoleborrowed some a couple of lines from a couple one of my heroes today. (EDIT: I am now giving him props on the blog, but he stole the lines from someone else in the first place!)
  • I used a great Winston Churchill quote.
  • Throw in an Andy Stanley reference and you’ve got it made.
  • Had a cool kid get baptized before the first service this morning. Great touch on the baptism, Bob! Thanks!
  • I talked to that kid during my message in the early service.
  • It’s really tough to remember names of people you haven’t seen in a lot of years. It’s even tougher to admit you can’t remember them from Adam. But in the long run, that’s better than just acting like you really do know who they are when you have no clue!
  • Some people change. Some people never change. Some people really need to change.
  • Did I mention my mom and dad were proud and happy?
  • I think all church guitarists secretly want to bust out a little “Sweet Home Alabama” or “Layla” or “Smoke on the Water” or “Walk This Way” or something!
  • I felt sorry for the kid who obviously lost a bet, and was wearing an ugly, garish, obnoxious FloriDUH Gators t-shirt to church – and looking none too happy about it!
  • The only thing worse than obnoxious redneck UGA fans is even more obnoxious redder-neck FloriDUH Gators fans. Yes, I saw plenty of both on the road this weekend!
  • My wife predicted yesterday that one Florida team would lose and one Georgia team would lose. She was right, but she was wrong!
  • I love listening to Christy Nockels sing “Hosanna.” Perfect for a Sunday night unwind.
  • Oh, last thing…we may have to make a pastoral visit to the Cherokee County jail over noise and a sign ordinance. I’m just saying…

Hope your weekend has been great! Hope you made your momma proud! Hope your team won! Hope you did something great for God! Hope you have a great night! I’ll see you dark and early at the Y in the morning! Peace!

Sunday Night Unwind, 07.27.08…

Slee-py tonight! Been running all weekend…let’s keep this one brief, shall we?

  • The soundtrack for tonight’s Unwind is a mixed bag, all courtesy of Pandora. Switching between Nightnoise, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, and, thanks to a suggestion from my buddy Gary Lamb, Piano Man (including the “title cut” live!)
  • Speaking of Piano Man, Billy Joel’s The Stranger was the first album I bought at the pseudo-socialist, but very cheap co-op in Tallahassee, Florida when I was a freshman in college. Good stuff!
  • I’ve also been digging some Harry Chapin this weekend, especially my favorites, “Mr. Tanner,”“WOLD,” and “30,000 Pounds of Bananas.”
  • A little better crowd this morning. About a quarter of our attendees were guests! Cool!
  • Any message that includes references to Randy Bohlender and Chris Elrod can’t be all bad, right?
  • I got just a tad excited this morning as well. Enough of that!
  • Oh, and we’re spending about $19,000. On freakin’ air conditioners! That stinks!
  • The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” is back to school officially tomorrow. She’s already been almost every day this past week, but tomorrow she “has” to be there.
  • Came thaaaaat close to going on up to NewSpring yesterday and blowing off the ‘Crest today. We were already in the huge metropolis of Commerce, Georgia, just down I-85 from Anderson. Decided against it. Did I mention that I wasn’t overly impressed with the outlet center in Commerce?
  • Finishing up some reading – Mark – and writing a bit in my Moleskine.

That’s about it! 4:00 a.m. will be here before you know it! Off to bed pretty soon!