A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: General (page 14 of 121)

What I Did with the Gift Certificate…

Last week I solicited the help of all both of you loyal Just Charlie readers as to the most effective use of an Amazon.com gift certificate. Well, a couple of you responded, and just in case you’re interested, here’s how I used the gift certificate…

First, although I wrote that the gift certificate was for an amount between $30 and $50 (USD), I need to clarify that. The original amount was $75, but I had already used part of it for a gift and couldn’t let that cat out of the bag at the time.

The first two purchases were gifts for the best big brother I ever had (who was the source of the original gift certificate in the first place. Pretty sweet deal, eh? Hey, bro, you did say I could use it any way I wanted, right?).

Anyway, my big brother got…

And the gifting didn’t stop there! The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” is getting the newest CD from her country music secret heartthrob/Georgia native…

(Shhhh! Mum’s the word, though, because it’s scheduled to be here tomorrow!)

And just because it was a gift certificate for my birthday, I figured I’d spend it on something that I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. And since it is after Labor Day and all, the remainder of the gift certificate went for these goodies…

So, there you have it, folks!

“To you who are ready for the truth, I say this…”

Luke 6:27-29…the words of Jesus. In action.


Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person. If someone slaps you in the face, stand there and take it. If someone grabs your shirt, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it. If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously.
-The Message

You Know What Happens When You Stop Blogging?

A lot of things…

A lot of people ask about your health and welfare.

A lot of people still visit your blog, whether you post or not.

But the worst thing that happens is that the Mad Babbler de-links you from his “Cool Cats” blogroll. It’s not quite the same as being de-listed from THE Lamb’s Book of Life, but it’s dang close!

Today’s “+”…

From my Inbox this morning…

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.
– J.B. Priestly (1894-1984) English Author

And this…

It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what might happen.
– Herodotus (485 – 425BC) Greek Historian

Why Pray?

From somebody’s Moleskine…

Will God change the course of human history in answer to your prayers? Because if He won’t – why pray?
-Ben Haden, PRAY!


OK…supposin’ you had a gift certificate from a certain online retailer.

And supposin’ that gift certificate had something less than $50 (US) but something more than say, $30 (US) left on it.

And supposin’ you had a wish list of 12 pages with that online retailer.

And supposin’ you had very eclectic tastes and interests.

And supposin’ you really needed to maximize and optimize that gift certificate’s value.

Supposin’ all that…what would you loyal Just Charlie readers (all both of you!) buy? In other words, what book/CD/DVD/etc. would you recommend as having the greatest value right now?

Hurry up, ’cause that gift certificate is burning a virtual hole in my online pocket!
*What Would Just Charlie Readers Do?

Eight Months, Twelve Steps, 72 Pounds…

As I thought about change and habits and discipline and all that stuff today, I wondered to myself about how I got from “there” to “here.” And I wondered to myself if there has been a process or a system that could possibly be applied to other aspects of my life that need improvement.

I didn’t intend to come up with a new edition of the Twelve Step Program, but it just turned out that I journaled about twelve points along my journey so far.

These are subject to the disclaimer in the previous post, and they aren’t necessarily in any particular order.

I’m going to list them here, and maybe – if both you loyal readers can stand it – I’ll unpack them as we go along later.

Straight out of my Moleskine

How did I accomplish any progress in my physical health to this point?

  • Started with an opportunity, really to serve someone else at the beginning of my process – to be a “hero” to the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” – to provide something for her, the opportunity to resume her swimming at the new YMCA in town
  • Began at the beginning. Had to be humble enough to ask for help and risk looking like a doofus
  • Agreed to pay the price
  • Assessed the reality of the situation with someone who could help (my comedian physician). I knew what she was saying was true, but I had to act on it!
  • Started small. (Note to self: This is the greatest concern I have with applying the same effort to other areas that need deep change: I don’t think I really have time to take the “baby steps! The problems are too great! The obstacles are too overwhelming! I need to see change/solutions NOW! No, yesterday!)
  • Tried out a variety of things but found something that worked for me, a routine to start with.
  • Daily, daily, daily! Had to get up and make the drive to the Y.
  • Tried to look the part – got workout clothes, shoes, etc.
  • Read, studied, researched
  • Had to stop some things – ice cream in the middle of the night, Cokes, etc.
  • Had to start some other things
  • Tracked progress

On Change, Habits, Discipline, and That Sort of Stuff…

Both of you loyal readers will know that I’ve been pretty consistent about improving my physical health since the beginning of this year. I’m getting to the point where I’ve just about reached my weight-loss goals, and I’m looking to that dreaded “maintenance” stage.

Throughout the year, I’ve often thought about the results I’ve been getting from my workouts and wondering about some of the other issues/areas of my life that could benefit from the kind of habits and discipline I’ve tried to apply to my physical health.

Today was one of those great days for reflection and study, and I wrote some thoughts in my notebook that are just dying to get out into the blogosphere! Over the next couple of posts, I plan to run some of ’em up the flagpole and see who – if anyone – salutes! So, here’s the disclaimer…

I am not now, nor have I ever been an expert on change, habits, effectiveness, success, discipline and the like, but I have experienced a significant change for the better in my physical condition this year. So take what’s here with a half-a-grain of salt. These thoughts are “specks of lint that fell out, the last time that I picked my brain…”*

Your mileage, as usual, may vary.

* from “You’re Nothing Without Me” from City of Angels
Music by Cy Coleman Lyrics by David Zippel

Stay tuned!