A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Leadership (page 3 of 3)

Leaders ARE Readers…

Came across this fascinating article in the New York Times about the libraries of CEOs. A couple of quotes that are sticking with me this morning…

Serious leaders who are serious readers build personal libraries dedicated to how to think, not how to compete. Ken Lopez, a bookseller in Hadley, Mass., says it is impossible to put together a serious library on almost any subject for less than several hundred thousand dollars.

Forget finding the business best-seller list in these libraries. “I try to vary my reading diet and ensure that I read more fiction than nonfiction,” Mr. Moritz said. “I rarely read business books, except for Andy Grove’s ‘Swimming Across,’ which has nothing to do with business but describes the emotional foundation of a remarkable man. I re-read from time to time T. E. Lawrence’s ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom,’ an exquisite lyric of derring-do, the navigation of strange places and the imaginative ruses of a peculiar character. It has to be the best book ever written about leading people from atop a camel.”

C.E.O. libraries typically lack a Dewey Decimal or even org-chart order. “My books are organized by topic and interest but in a manner that would make a librarian weep,” Mr. Moritz said. Is there something “Da Vinci Code”-like about mixing books up in an otherwise ordered life?

Could it be possible to read Phil Knight’s books in the order in which Mr. Knight read them — like following a recipe — and gain the mojo to see a future global entertainment company in something as modest as a sneaker? The great gourmand of libraries, the writer Jorge Luis Borges, analyzed the quest for knowledge that causes people to accumulate books: “There must exist a book which is the formula and perfect compendium of all the rest.”

The article refers to Sidney Harman…

Mr. Harman reads books the way writers write books, methodically over time. For two years Mr. Harman would take down from the shelf “The City of God” by E. L. Doctorow read the novel slowly, return it to the shelves, and then take it down again for his next trip. “Almost everything I have read has been useful to me — science, poetry, politics, novels. I have a lifelong interest in epistemology and learning. My books have helped me develop a way of thinking critically in business and in golf — a fabulous metaphor for the most interesting stuff in life. My library is full of things I might go back to.”

Good Stuff for You Alpha Male Types…

A couple of great quotes from Matt Chandler’s blog

It seems like the only alpha male I’ve ever read about that doesn’t have a messiah complex is the actual Messiah. I think about how often we get tired but pretend like we’re not, pushing on through like we’re some kind of superman, cape waving in the wind, feeling no pain or fatigue. Not Jesus. When he hits the wall he confesses it to his crew and sits down for a bit.

The last thing I’ll mention about Jesus’ life is that, when he was finally overwhelmed and exhausted right before the cross, he didn’t have sex with his secretary. He asked publicly for prayer.

Different Model for Church Leadership?

Somewhat strange question…and I’m asking it in a couple of online forums I frequent…

Do you guys know of any situations/models where the “main teaching pastor” IS NOT the “main leading pastor?” Does that make sense? Are there any churches that are successful where the entrepreneurial/visionary leader is not the one who is most gifted in teaching/preaching? Or conversely, do you know of any successful churches where the most gifted teacher/preacher is not the most gifted entrepreneurial/visionary leader?

I know that sounds kind of weird, but I’m just wondering…thanks in advance for the help!

Mighty Men…

David had The Three. He had The Thirty.

Men of great courage. Men of great loyalty – to God and to David personally. Men who were not afraid and who did not back down in the face of great adversity. Men who were used by God – and inspired by David – to undertake great exploits and achieve great things. Men who were willing to face overwhelming odds and impossible situations. Leaders in their own right – who subjugated their own sense of pride and ego for the cause of the king – and The King.

Everybody needs some guys like that in their lives. Guys who have your back. Guys who use whatever they have to win great victories. Guys who’ll stand in the lentil field – alone, if necessary – until the enemy is vanquished. Guys who’ll wield their sword until they can’t lift it – and win the battle. Guys who’ll charge through enemy strongholds to bring back a drink of water.

I wonder if I could ever inspire such a group of men. I’m wondering today if I’m really supposed be one of such a group of men. One of “The Guys,” and not “The Man”…

Stuck in the Future?

This morning I passed by one of the bulletin boards at our church and realized that there are pictures of formerly-fat me from about the year 2003. My first thought was…

Why are we so stuck in the past around here?

Then it hit me. Sometimes we who fancy ourselves as leaders talk proudly and loudly about our future-orientation. About how if only we could convince our people that they need to get out of the past. About how we’re going to make the jump “one century at a time.”

Could it be that our people are stuck in the past because we who fancy ourselves as leaders have been so busy stuck in the future that we’re not leading them to accomplish anything in the present? Could it be that they’re not really enamored of the past for the sake of the past? Could it be that they’re not really resisting change because they’re too comfortable? Could it possibly be that they are stuck in a time when something great (or at least near-great) was actually happening? Could it be that our focus on the future may be robbing us of some amazing opportunities in the here and now?

If you’re stuck, it doesn’t matter whether you call the bog “the past” or “the future.” You’re stuck. And you need to do whatever it takes to get unstuck. Or else the past – pre-bog – will be all you have to live on or live for.