A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Unwinds (page 7 of 8)

Sunday Night Unwind, 07.22.07…

My Unwind actually started before I got home after our evening service. I had a pretty personal and intense time of worship in our auditorium after everybody else left. Part pity party, part prayer time, part Bible study, part vision thing, just an interesting time alone with God and my thoughts. The Everything Glorious CD from the gang over at Passion provided the soundtrack, and I just put it back on when I got home.

Especially powerful right now is Kristian Stanfill’s rendition of Jesus Paid It All and Chris Tomlin’s I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous). Old songs with a great new twist…

Tuesday Night Unwind, 06.19.07…

Ottmar Liebert CD Cover

Breaking out another oldie-moldie-goldie for a wet Tuesday night unwind. If you look up “laid back” in the dictionary, Ottmar Liebert’s picture would probably be there. Well, if you looked it up in some sort of media-friendly digital dictionary, his music would be there! Kind of flamenco meets New Age.

Good stuff for a working Tuesday night, with this strange, unfamiliar wet stuff dropping out of the sky…

Sunday Night Unwind, 06.03.07…

WOW! A mixed bag unwind tonight! I was looking for something else and I came across a homemade CD simply titled “My Music,” and it’s just a bunch of stuff that I dumped from my hard drive from probably 2-3 years ago. There are some goodies! Everything from Todd Rundgren’s “Bang the Drum All Day” to the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy’s “You and Me and the Bottle Makes Three,” to Bill Chase’s “Get It On,” to The Blue Man Group to George and Tammy and everything in between! Good stuff!