I dumped my bag out today. Yep, I literally turned it upside-down and dumped it out in my office. Then I “re-booted” my current reading. I replaced some stuff I wanted to read with some stuff I need to read again. The new stack looks something like this…
- The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren. (I’ve lost at least a half-dozen copies of this book since I got my first one the year it came out – 12 long years ago now! I’ve given away at least two dozen copies to various folks in the places I’ve served. I picked up a new copy and started reading it again this afternoon. It was almost like I was teleported back to 1996 and the sheer passion I felt as I saw this vision of what “church” could be.)
- Failing Forward, Thinking for a Change, and Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell
- Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
- Transitioning: Leading Your Church Through Change by Dan Southerland
- Becoming a Man of Prayer by Bob Beltz
- Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper. (The one I’m currently working through.)
- Knowing God by J. I. Packer
- The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J. M. Nouwen
- Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
- The Autobiography of George Muller
- Power Through Prayer by E.M. Bounds
- Holy Bible, New Living Translation(Slimline version, fits in my bag.)