Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash
It’s all about the details. The little things matter.
Is the colon aligned vertically when representing time? Or is it sitting on the baseline in the default position? Did you even notice? Did you change it? What about the dash between times? Did insert the n-dash or just settle for the hyphen key and call it good? What about the kerning? Did you follow the style guide?
Did you take the time to make the shadows realistic on the composite image? Or did you just duplicate the layer and position it somewhere in some sort of alignment? Did you think about where the light would actually hit? Did you make the shadow black instead of a gradient of grey-blue?
Did you check your spelling? Your punctuation? Did you leave the passive voice, or did you even think to re-read the copy?
Did you leave the piece of paper towel on the restroom floor? Did you send the thank-you note? Did you remember your customer’s name?
The details do matter. The little stuff does count. The little things do add up to big things. And if you do the little things consistently, it will become a habit. And the habit will become excellence in practice.