…but fantasy world, just the same!

Go over to Tadd Grandstaff’s blog, get inside his mind, and read his post about the time, effort, and almost “cult-like” involvement in preparing for his upcoming fantasy football league. Be sure to catch the last couple of paragraphs…

If I spent half that time excited about what I do everyday for my so called “calling” in life, What kind of impact would I have? Whose life could I be used to help change? What kind of impression could I be used to help make in this community?

All the time I spend focusing on a fantasy world clouds my vision of a real world that truly needs my attention.

Now, my “vice” isn’t fantasy football, although I spent last summer having a big ol’ time in a fantasy baseball league. No, my “vice” may be fantasy church leading or something like that. I find myself, at times, living vicariously through the lives of others who are doing something significant for the Kingdom. I wonder…if I spent half as much time “doing” as I do “acting like it,” what kind of impact could I have? What could God use me to do?

Ouch! But thanks, anyway, Tadd! Good Great Stuff…