I’m re-reading one of my favorites, Leonard Sweet’s A Cup of Coffee at the Soul Cafe. He talks about wasting opportunities for greatness – a somewhat common theme in our lives, I’m afraid. He uses the story of the five foolish bridesmaids and the five wise bridesmaids to remind us that we need to be ready when “our moment” comes along. There’s this great quote…
“Why is it we can’t see, much less seize, all the opportunities passing by us? Why do we let greatness pass by? Maybe it’s because we want to live planned lives, whereas the Bible teaches us to live prepared lives.”
I think it’s a matter of the heart to be prepared for whatever comes along, whenever it comes along. God has some pretty incredible plans for our lives if we can let go of our own pre-planned and pre-packaged agendas long enough to get on His timetable.
Lord, help us be prepared…