I’ve been really digging the Hillsong CD God He Reigns lately. One reviewer said it’s a great blend of the “classic” Hillsong stuff and the newer, younger, hipper United material. Whatever. All I know is it’s been leading me into the presence of God in a big, powerful way.
A couple of notes from this weekend…
- Gideon this morning.
- A couple of first-time guests and a couple of returning ones!
- Pumped about this week. Going to NewSpring for Unleash. Going with Gary and the Revolution crew. Thanks, Gary! It’s been about three years since I’ve been to a conference. I really, really need it! (Other than a new Moleskine, what does one take to a conference these days?)
- But I’m kind of afraid of what God’s going to do to me on the trip and at the conference. See, He’s been rocking my world in a lot of ways over the last couple of weeks. He’s probably got something bigger in mind. He always does, doesn’t He?
- The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” is the best wife in the world, hands down!
- Real change is hard, because it means you’ve got to change personally before you can help your organization/team/whatever change.
- I challenged our bunch to pray and dream “one size bigger” today.
- Let’s keep daylight saving time all year around!
4:00 a.m. is going to get here pretty early. See you later…