Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! Hope you’ve had a great day. Mine was kind of weird, as far as Father’s Days go…
- Phone call from “The Boy” but this is the first Father’s Day in 22 years I haven’t actually seen him.
- Started a new series on David at The ‘Crest today. I thought it was going to be a rather easy, kind of summer “filler” series, but God is already kicking my butt!
- Speaking of David, I might have to pick Gary Lamb’s brain or steal his notebook to get some good ideas for the message series.
- And also speaking of David, I used a graphic of the face of the famous Michelangelo sculpture. One of my older women (one of only two people in the service who have seen the actual statue in real life…both women!) commented that she hadn’t noticed the intense look on David’s face, because “it wasn’t his face I was looking at!” You’ve gotta love that!
- In my research this week, I came across the “mid-life crisis David.” Too funny!
- Figuring most restaurants would be packed for Father’s Day, the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” suggested we just get pizza for lunch. Good plan, good time with her, not so great nutrition.
- Walked in Heritage Park, and nobody was there! Very strange!
- One of our ex-church folks (and one of my favorites..hated to see them leave!) is will be in Honduras next week on a medical mission trip. Cool!
- Nelson Searcy’s Time Management for Busy Pastors is playing right now. Good stuff, and definitely some stuff I need right now!
- Iced green tea…summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!
- Challenged our folks to look toward sort of a “re-launch” in September.
- New roof on our building looks great! Meeting with another guy tomorrow about some of the inside damage from the tornado. We still have trees down on the campus…gotta get them moved.
That’s about it for now…make the rest of your Father’s Day great!