OK, for the 2 or 3 of you who read this little attempt at a Weblog …(Hi, Mom! We’re Number 1!”)

Wait…I got off track…

For the 2 or 3 of you who read this little attempt at a weblog, I need some quick tech help. Here’s the verbatim post I sent out on another forum earlier today…

Hey guys…
I need some help from you amazing techno-gurus on here…and you know who you are!

I’ve got some messages on audio cassette (remember those?) and I want to convert them to CD. How’s the best way to do that? Do I need to get any special software? Any special cables, etc.?

I could find it on the Web, I’m pretty sure, but I’m in a time bind and figure you guys could save me a lot of trouble.

Bueller? Anyone?

Thanks a bunch!

Ok, there you have it…

Any suggestions?