The Care and Feeding of the Inner Designer/Creator

I know some amazing creative people who are masters of design. I asked some of them these questions one day:

“What do you do to ‘feed’ your ‘inner designer?'”

“How do you stimulate your creativity?”

“What are some resources that might help us ‘non-designers’ get ‘better’ at it?”

So, in response to some of their repsonses, I’m doing some things…

Right now, I’m in the middle of reading Michael J. Gelb’s How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day

And one of Gelb’s chapters lists some of the “great music” that has inspired and developed creative people over the years. I’ve always been a music lover – music of all kinds – but since starting the Gelb book, I’ve been on one of my “classical” kicks. Right now in my CD player are these five new CDs…

Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring

Mahler’s Symphony No. 6 “Tragic”

Mozart’s Requiem

Brahms’ A German Requiem

Richard Strauss’ Four Last Songs

Great recordings! Great prices!