I’ve been poking around in my archives, and I found the very first post I ever posted – waaaaaaayyyyyy back in April, 2002!
The very first post was this profound and earth-shattering bit of writing…
well…i’m on…now what? that’s the question i’ll be trying to answer in the days ahead…along with other ones that come to mind…i’ll rant…i’ll rave…i’ll wander around in my head and in my world…and i’ll try to make it worth my time…and yours…stay tuned
Notice the hip and happenin’ all lower-case style. Notice the title of the blog. Notice the tagline…
from the heart for the mind…from the mind for the heart
Wow! Those were the days!
From that late April night almost four years ago, we’ve been from A Boy and His Stuff, through Straddling the Gap, and finally(?) right here to Just Charlie.
In the words of Jerry Garcia, who undoubtedly stole them from Gary Lamb…
What a long strange trip it has been!