A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: November 2003 (page 2 of 4)


More Good…No, Great Stuff from PostModern Pilgrim!
One of the “new’ blogs I’ve linked to is PostModern Pilgrim. Check out what’s posted over there now.

I like these “necessary” things a witness needs to remember…

~~Work in a Team. Don’t ever go it alone. Paul always had others with him and picked up more people on the way.

~~ Live with the people. In the old mission days the missionaries lived in the Big House or the special place, locked and gated, a refuge from the heathen world they were trying to convert. Today we all need to live with the people to learn their language and culture and needs, not what we impose on them.

~~ Share both the Gospel and your life. In other words, don’t be aloof, but be a servant with the people.

~~ Set an example- in other words- disciple others. We all do it. We are always setting an example, so what is it you are going to share? Do you live like you believe- truly believe what you are saying is true?

In all of this never forget that God is present at all times in words, the Word, and Power.

And then these thoughts on the difference between recruiting members and making disciples…

~~ When you recruit members you are trying to bring people in.
~~ When you recruit disciples you are trying to send people out.
~~ Members are for us and our survival.
~~ Disciples are for others and for God’s Kingdom

After a long, long day yesterday…and “money (or lack thereof!) finance meeting last night at church…I needed these thoughts today! Actually, it would’ve been better if I had them at the meeting last night. There’s just something so…cheesy and manipulative about trying to get people “in church” just so “our financial problems can be solved.”

More Good…No, Great Stuff from PostModern Pilgri…

More Good…No, Great Stuff from PostModern Pilgrim!

One of the “new’ blogs I’ve linked to is PostModern Pilgrim. Check out what’s posted over there now.

I like these “necessary” things a witness needs to remember…

~~Work in a Team. Don’t ever go it alone. Paul always had others with him and picked up more people on the way.

~~ Live with the people. In the old mission days the missionaries lived in the Big House or the special place, locked and gated, a refuge from the heathen world they were trying to convert. Today we all need to live with the people to learn their language and culture and needs, not what we impose on them.

~~ Share both the Gospel and your life. In other words, don’t be aloof, but be a servant with the people.

~~ Set an example- in other words- disciple others. We all do it. We are always setting an example, so what is it you are going to share? Do you live like you believe- truly believe what you are saying is true?

In all of this never forget that God is present at all times in words, the Word, and Power.

And then these thoughts on the difference between recruiting members and making disciples…

~~ When you recruit members you are trying to bring people in.

~~ When you recruit disciples you are trying to send people out.

~~ Members are for us and our survival.

~~ Disciples are for others and for God’s Kingdom

After a long, long day yesterday…and “money (or lack thereof!) finance meeting last night at church…I needed these thoughts today! Actually, it would’ve been better if I had them at the meeting last night. There’s just something so…cheesy and manipulative about trying to get people “in church” just so “our financial problems can be solved.”


“The Boy” Is Alive…and Going to CNN’s Crossfire This Afternoon
I posted earlier today that “The Boy” is in Washington, DC, and that we hadn’t heard from him since Friday. Well, not even an hour went by and he called from the bus on the way to the Supreme Court. (I told him he must have logged on, just to read my blog…that’s how he knew to call. But he denied it.*)

Anyway, the trip going well, and they are scheduled to go the taping or live presentation of CNN’s Crossfire this afternoon at 4:30 Eastern time. He didn’t know – and neither do I – if it’s live or taped for later airing. NOTE: I just found out that Crossfire is on live at 4:30 p.m. ET.

So, there you have it.

*Contrary to popular belief, teenagers do, in fact, miss their folks when they are away.


Monday Morning!
“The Boy” is off in Washington, DC with a school group. He’s staying here. (What do you want to bet it doesn’t look like this picture with four high school senior guys staying there?!?!)

One good note: The Willard is so close to the White House that the US Secret Service is in charge of its security arrangements. The teacher sponsoring the trip reminded the parents – and the students! – that everything…everything! is monitored and videotaped by the Secret Service!

Today’s itinerary includes the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, lunch in the Senate cafeteria, Capitol Hill, and a nighttime tour of the District.

Oh, and we’ve heard from “The Boy” exactly ZERO times since he left on Friday! But we haven’t heard from the Secret Service either, so I guess all is well!

And just in case “The Boy” has logged on somewhere in DC, the Chiefs lost to his mom’s alma mater in the high school football playoffs last Friday night.


Monday Morning!
“The Boy” is off in Washington, DC with a school group. He’s staying here. (What do you want to bet it doesn’t look like this picture with four high school senior guys staying there?!?!)

One good note: The Willard is so close to the White House that the US Secret Service is in charge of its security arrangements. The teacher sponsoring the trip reminded the parents – and the students! – that everything…everything! is monitored and videotaped by the Secret Service!

Today’s itinerary includes the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, lunch in the Senate cafeteria, Capitol Hill, and a nighttime tour of the District.

Oh, and we’ve heard from “The Boy” exactly ZERO times since he left on Friday! But we haven’t heard from the Secret Service either, so I guess all is well!

And just in case “The Boy” has logged on somewhere in DC, the Chiefs lost to his mom’s alma mater in the high school football playoffs last Friday night.


New Blogs (Right Over There on Your Right!)
Before I call it a night – got to get up early and get “The Boy and His Stuff” off to Washington, DC in a few hours – I found a couple more blogs that I have hooked onto. I’ve added them to my blogroll. All you regular readers – Bueller? Anyone? – will notice them right away. But some of you newbies might miss Mssrs. Holsclaw and Land. Check ’em out! But don’t forget the others…there’s some mighty good stuff going on out there! Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite!

New Blogs (Right Over There on Your Right!) Befor…

New Blogs (Right Over There on Your Right!)

Before I call it a night – got to get up early and get “The Boy and His Stuff” off to Washington, DC in a few hours – I found a couple more blogs that I have hooked onto. I’ve added them to my blogroll. All you regular readers – Bueller? Anyone? – will notice them right away. But some of you newbies might miss Mssrs. Holsclaw and Land. Check ’em out! But don’t forget the others…there’s some mighty good stuff going on out there! Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite!


Somebody’s Been Inside My Head and My Heart
Doing a little “blog-stalking” tonight. Got a lot of stuff on my mind. I came across this – really by accident – over at the “community blog” at Water’s Edge.

What I Want…

I want to see God�s kingdom come and his will done in my life and in the lives of all the people around me.
I want to be the wheat, not the weed.
I want to be the good tree.
I want to be attached to the vine, bearing good fruit.
I want to be able to say, as Peterson puts Paul�s words to the Galatian believers, �Christ’s life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.�
I want to love my wife like I�m supposed to.
I want to love other people like I�m supposed to.
I want to smoke what I’m selling (thanks Rob).
I want the people around me to find wholeness and goodness in life.
I want to be less critical and more loving.
I want to be less concerned with what people think of me and more concerned with actually being helpful.
I want to see churches actually helping people to follow Jesus instead of warehousing them (thanks Todd).
I want to see churches use money more biblically.
I want to see churches give an offering rather than receive one�just one Sunday!
I want to see pastors rethink their roles so that they are helping people live as disciples of Jesus.
I want to see churches let their pastors do that.
I want to see pastors stop competing against each other and start working together—or at least cheering each other on when they do well.
I want to see churches get past the us-for-us and us-against-them mentality in regards to other churches and start thinking kingdom.
I want to see pastors allow discipleship to set the trajectory for their churches (thanks John).
I want to see people discover that discipling others is not just for �paid staff�.
I want to see people reject the lifestyle of consumerism.
I want to see myself reject the lifestyle of consumerism.
I want to see pastors stop getting discouraged by the people who don�t show up.
I want to stop being discouraged by the people who don�t show up (thanks Dallas).
I want to get over myself.
I want to see pastors pour themselves into the people who do show up.
I want to pour myself into those who do show up.
I want to see what Jesus will do with a whole community of people who will place themselves unreservedly at his will.
I want to see what Jesus will do with me when I do it.
I want to see people who have been burned by churches turn their pain into creative love.
I want to see churches be known for inexplicable forgiveness.

Is this asking too much?

Somebody’s Been Inside My Head and My Heart Doing…

Somebody’s Been Inside My Head and My Heart

Doing a little “blog-stalking” tonight. Got a lot of stuff on my mind. I came across this – really by accident – over at the “community blog” at Water’s Edge.

What I Want…

I want to see God�s kingdom come and his will done in my life and in the lives of all the people around me.

I want to be the wheat, not the weed.

I want to be the good tree.

I want to be attached to the vine, bearing good fruit.

I want to be able to say, as Peterson puts Paul�s words to the Galatian believers, �Christ’s life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.�

I want to love my wife like I�m supposed to.

I want to love other people like I�m supposed to.

I want to smoke what I’m selling (thanks Rob).

I want the people around me to find wholeness and goodness in life.

I want to be less critical and more loving.

I want to be less concerned with what people think of me and more concerned with actually being helpful.

I want to see churches actually helping people to follow Jesus instead of warehousing them (thanks Todd).

I want to see churches use money more biblically.

I want to see churches give an offering rather than receive one�just one Sunday!

I want to see pastors rethink their roles so that they are helping people live as disciples of Jesus.

I want to see churches let their pastors do that.

I want to see pastors stop competing against each other and start working together—or at least cheering each other on when they do well.

I want to see churches get past the us-for-us and us-against-them mentality in regards to other churches and start thinking kingdom.

I want to see pastors allow discipleship to set the trajectory for their churches (thanks John).

I want to see people discover that discipling others is not just for �paid staff�.

I want to see people reject the lifestyle of consumerism.

I want to see myself reject the lifestyle of consumerism.

I want to see pastors stop getting discouraged by the people who don�t show up.

I want to stop being discouraged by the people who don�t show up (thanks Dallas).

I want to get over myself.

I want to see pastors pour themselves into the people who do show up.

I want to pour myself into those who do show up.

I want to see what Jesus will do with a whole community of people who will place themselves unreservedly at his will.

I want to see what Jesus will do with me when I do it.

I want to see people who have been burned by churches turn their pain into creative love.

I want to see churches be known for inexplicable forgiveness.

Is this asking too much?


Pretty Ominous Words from General Franks
General Tommy Franks (US Army, Retired) is the man who led the campaign in Iraq. In this interview he talks about the possibility of terrorists acquiring – and using – weapons of mass destruction against the United States, and what that would mean for our way of government and our way of life.

He also talks about President Bush and other matters.

But the words that got to me were these:

“Franks ended his interview with a less-than-optimistic note. ‘It�s not in the history of civilization for peace ever to reign. Never has in the history of man. … I doubt that we�ll ever have a time when the world will actually be at peace.'”

One day, General Franks, one day…