A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: April 2006 (page 2 of 2)

I Still Hate the Gators…

Still, all in all, a good run for Fl…Flo…Flor…FloriDUH!

BTW, that graphic is an “artist’s conception” of what was commonly referred to as a “hurtin’ Gator” back in the day. See, in the Dark Ages – circa 1979 – the “preppy” look was just coming into its own at Florida State University. Everybody had those très cool Lacoste polo shirts. In the week leading up to the big FSU-UF showdown, we put Band-Aids over the gator crocodile to show our disdain for the boys from Gainesville, as in “there’s gonna some hurtin’ Gators come Saturday!”)

Monday Night Unwind, 04.03.06…

Contrary to popular culture/belief, there really was music before the iPod and iTunes.

Heck, there even was music before CDs, before cassettes, and – gasp! – before albums! (See, there used to be these things, called albums, and they were usually black vinyl, about 12 inches in diameter, with a little hole in the middle. There was a series of grooves – actually one loooooong spiral groove! – that went around the surfaces – there were two sides! – of the album. Those grooves are where the music hid! But I digress…)

There was music before U2, Rascal Flatts, and Mary J. Blige. There was music before Lynyrd Skynyrd, George Strait, and Diana Ross. There was music before The Beatles, Buck Owens, and Etta James. Believe it or not, there was even music before Elvis, Hank (Sr. and Jr. and III), and Billie Holiday!

I say all that to say that tonight’s Unwind is from a little bit earlier time frame than any of those folks. Tonight, I’m unwinding with Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons.

What a perfect way to unwind on what turned out – after a pretty blustery morning – to be a gorgeous spring day in northwest Georgia!

The Newest Old Coot…

If you happen to see a huge glow in the skies over Canton, Georgia today, do not fear. It’s only the glow from the “millions and millions” of candles on my buddy Gary Lamb’s birthday cake!

Some guys are “friends,” only when you’ve got something they want or need. Some guys are real friends, no matter what. I’m happy to say that Gary is one of those second kind of guys. He’s not afraid to tell me the truth, as he sees it. He’s not worried about what other folks think. He has a heart for God. he has a passion for the unchurched/dechurched of Canton and Cherokee County. He always gives me something to think about. He always challenges me. And even though he’s quick to go to lunch but slow to pick up the check, he is a man that I’m glad to simply call my friend.

Stop by the Great One’s blog and wish him a happy birthday. Oh, he hits the big 3-0 today! Old coot, indeed!

The Clock Has Struck Midnight….

…and the ball has come to an abrupt end.

Gilded coaches are just plain old pumpkins.

Mighty charging steeds are puny little mice.

And Cinderella has gone home.

Good run, Patriots.

And now we can pull for either UCLA or LSU…anybody but Fl…Flor..FloriDUH! (Wow! I’ve had to type it two weeks in a row! Wash my keyboard off, quick!)