If you happen to see a huge glow in the skies over Canton, Georgia today, do not fear. It’s only the glow from the “millions and millions” of candles on my buddy Gary Lamb’s birthday cake!
Some guys are “friends,” only when you’ve got something they want or need. Some guys are real friends, no matter what. I’m happy to say that Gary is one of those second kind of guys. He’s not afraid to tell me the truth, as he sees it. He’s not worried about what other folks think. He has a heart for God. he has a passion for the unchurched/dechurched of Canton and Cherokee County. He always gives me something to think about. He always challenges me. And even though he’s quick to go to lunch but slow to pick up the check, he is a man that I’m glad to simply call my friend.
Stop by the Great One’s blog and wish him a happy birthday. Oh, he hits the big 3-0 today! Old coot, indeed!