Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham incredible shrinking church

Went in one of our local ghettos yesterday to look for some supplies for church, and walked out with a couple of new reads.

My buddy, Tony McCollum, turned me on to The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham a couple of months ago. I’ve had it on my wish list since then. I finally picked it up…on sale! I don’t have a cool Kindle like Tony (but see my wish list again, in case you’re interested!), but I am looking forward to reading this book that made such an impact on my hero and friend.

Frank Page, the immediate past president of our tribe, put together what seems to be a helpful little book for guys like me, who find themselves trying to help turn a small traditional church around toward revitalization. I’ve already thumbed through it, and it seems to be worth my time as well.

BTW, if you have a LifeWay store near you, and if you can wade through the Jesus Junk on the sidewalk sale, you can find both of these – and more- at a pretty decent price!