Well, some time during the night – actually around 12:30 this morning – the cops got the guy on top of the crane.
57+ hours after he went up there, they got him down by Tasering him, as he reached for a cup of water.
My earlier post about the incident raised some points about whether or not they should have just let the guy jump and end it all with minimal expense and aggravation. This led to some comments from some folks I know personally and respect a lot, and some folks I don’t know at all – except through the great medium of the blogosphere – and respect a lot.
Yes, I do care tremendously about the worth and the value of each individual before God. Yes, my heart cries out for people who are obviously in need. Yes, I’m concerned about the guy’s alleged victim in Florida. Yes, I’m concerned about the hundreds of other valuable individuals who lost a part of their lives while this guy put on his little stunt in the sky.
Yes to all that…and I still say they should have sent Crocodile Dundee up there.
After all, Crocodile Dundee talked “his” jumper out of it.
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