OK, so I was sick yesterday, and missed church for the first time in, well, I don’t remember. But anyway, here are some things you think about when you’re out of your routine…

  • People might as well get involved in church, because there ain’t very much on TV on Sunday.
  • Ed, I love ya man, but you really need to rethink the little pixie shoes with the suit. I’m just saying…
  • Getting out of your weekly routine messes you up for a while.
  • Even when you’re not physically “there,” you’re still mentally, emotionally, and spiritually engaged in what’s supposed to be going on at church.
  • And even though you’re wearing your son’s reject Superman t-shirt, you really need to know that you aren’t Superman. So why do you feel so guilty about being sick and missing church?
  • The sofa gets pretty uncomfortable after several hours.
  • I guess they call it “practicing medicine” for a reason…”I think what we’re dealing with here is bronchitis. The only issue is whether it’s bacterial or viral. I’m going to prescribe an antibiotic which should clear it up pretty quickly if it’s bacterial. If it’s viral, it’ll just have to run its course.”
  • Nothing tastes good when you’re sick.
  • When you’re sick, and there’s nothing on TV, and you’re worried about what you ought to be doing at church, and nothing tastes good, and you spend three stinkin’ hours at the doctor and pharmacy, and when you’re out of your routine, it’s pretty easy to throw yourself a little pity party.
  • But seeing videos like this has a way of making you smile, weakly and sickly though it may be. It also has a way of making you grateful for the friends God puts in your life. But at the same time, it makes you really wary about preaching for those friends in a couple of weeks because you just aren’t as creative as your friend. (Thanks, Tony!)