One of our local public radio stations has a morning classical music program called Second Cup Concert. Today, I was in my office at our building, listening to that program, drinking a pot of Sumatra. (Lately, I’ve had help drinking that coffee, but not today, and that’s a story for another day anyway.)

So, on about my third cup, this just found its way into my notebook…

Coffee is supposed to be a social beverage, one that is best shared with one’s compatriots, in some cozy, yet crowded corner cafe. It’s never intended to be a lonely pursuit, brewed and consumed cup by desperate cup by some fellow who’s lost all his will to live and all his reasons for doing so.

Coffee is meant to be a creative beverage – one that inspires great conversation, great ideas, great dreams. It’s never at its best as a substitute for some poor sap who, but for his supposed religious and cultural sensibilities, would more likely be drowning in the cold crystal bottom of some old-fashioned glass, instead of a warm ceramic mug.