The December 26 tsunami in south Asia was – and continues to be – devastating beyond anyone’s imagination. At the risk of sounding calloused and cynical, I’ve had it up to about right here with those who are now using this serious and unimaginable situation to complain about how stingy the American people are. And those who are moaning and whining about how sorry and rotten and out-of-touch the President is, blah blah blah, ad infinitum ad nauseum…
When it all shakes out, we as American citizens will have given the large majority of disaster aid, through our government (which is, by the way, right out of our private pockets!) but mostly through private charitable and faith-based organizations. We will do that, not because we’re any better than anyone else in the world, but because we are a decent and caring people, who have always tried to look out for those who find themselves in difficult and tragic circumstances.
Check out what Kevin Salwen wrote over at Worthwhile…
Do we ever give as much as we should? No. But a society in which 81 percent of people donate to charity each year and 57 percent volunteer isn’t worth all the handwringing we’re getting now.
Right on the money, from where I’m sitting. Oh, and speaking of money…I’ve sent some extra to help out the tsunami victims and their families. Hope you have, too…