Unwind soundtrack? Tasty! by Ray Brown and Jimmy Rowles. Just good bass-and-piano stuff. Both of these guys were pretty big influences on Mrs. Elvis Costello, and that’s good enough for me!

UPDATE, 12:09 a.m. April 20, 2009…

I started writing this post and completely lost my train of thought. I saved the draft, and went to bed, lulled immediately into SleepyTown by a rather gentle thundershower. Then after about an hour of good sleep, I was awakened by the phone (my father-in-law) and the severe weather siren less than 150 yards from my house. They were both alerting me to the fact that we were under a tornado warning. That meant I was – and still am – wide awake, thank you very much! So I might as well try to finish the post!

On my mind tonight…

  • The day started out to be one of those days…just couldn’t get on track this morning. Late, late changes to our Sunday program and that’s neither good nor fair to my team. I really, really need to be lots better on that front.
  • Late start to church…got a call that one of our “regular” “friends” (which being translated, means, someone looking for a handout) was looking for me at the church.
  • When I got there – LATE! – the old softy in me took him and got him some gas for a trip. But that threw me even further off my game.
  • Of course, the week-after-Easter crowd was slimmer than the Easter one.
  • Our music started off with “Mighty to Save.” Yessssssssss!
  • Called an audible in the middle of the service, due completely to the aforementioned late, late changes.
  • Started a new series about money. I thought it went pretty well, considering.
  • I asked everyone to take out their checkbooks and calendars at one point during my message. Told them that theywe could look at those two sources of information and see exactly where theirour hearts are. OUCH!
  • Had a good time meeting with a young couple that I’m going to marry in June.
  • I just realized that there are some things I have to be careful of Tweeting and/or blogging.
  • I’ve got some great friends and encouragers!
  • I’ve really got to get focused in my workout/nutrition/etc. areas again. Trying to live on what you did three years ago won’t cut it today!
  • I’m still wide awake and there’s no sleep on the immediate horizon. More rain and thunder, it appears, but alas, no sleep.