A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: March 2005 (page 3 of 4)

Daily Life in a Homeless Shelter…

A few days ago, out of nowhere, “rhymes_with_kerouac” showed up in my comments. I’m glad s/he did! S/He offers a perspective on life that I don’t know much about – life inside a homeless shelter. You’ve gotta love a person whose description includes…

I write maudlin poetry and sing off-key, though I have the sense to not caterwaul in the shower. I’m always writing, and can spend three hours at the keyboard without batting an eye. I have yet to encounter an unfriendly dog, an unwise cat or a small child that was not a professor. I tip waitresses with abandon and treat cab-drivers with respect, but somehow manage to annoy almost everyone else.

So after a couple of insightful and challenging comments, I decided “rhymes_with_kerouac” has got to be in the list o’ links! Go ahead, check out Daily Life in a Homeless Shelter

Leonard Bernstein: An American Life…

I had another one of those “hurry up and wait” times tonight, and while I waited, I listened to the public-radio series Leonard Bernstein: An American Life.

I guess we don’t usually think of it in these terms, but the great conductors probably have a lot to teach us about leadership. They have to be strong and confident enough to mold and shape and cast the vision of the composer. They have to get extremely creative, often temperamental, very diverse personalities to join forces for the common good. They have to know when to emphasize one section or player’s strength and when to de-emphazise the same player’s weaknesses. They have to keep the show going. They often have to discipline their people. In a lot of ways, conductors are some of the best – or worst – examples of leadership.

According to the WFMT website…

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) was the last classical musician of our time to be a household name; no one since has achieved the level of fame with the general public as Bernstein. Bernstein became an American icon not only because of his ability to conduct and compose, but also because of the power of his personality and his passion to communicate, through music, about life, love and the human condition.

But for all his greatness, Bernstein like many leaders, was not immune to the dark side of life. His depression, illnesses, and addictions affected him in many ways.

Perhaps like many leaders, Bernstein’s greatest monster was his sense of his own importance, and that’s the idea that hooked me tonight as I listened. Stephen Sondheim said of Leonard Bernstein…

He wanted to be important and it got in the way of his work.

That quote illustrates powerfully the need for those of us who fancy ourselves as leaders to remember John the Baptist’s words

Jesus must become more important, while I become less important.

How to Promote Paradigm Shift in Your Organization…

OK, here’s the last post from/about Frost & Hirsch’s The Shaping of Things to Come

The chapter on leadership and imagination is worth the price of the book to me. They talk about how leaders need to encourage and foster a shift in the way the people in their churches see things. It’s that old paradigm shift thing. Frost & Hirsch list some ways to help that process along.

  • Encourage Holy Dissatisfaction: Provoke a basic discontent with what is and so awaken a desire to move toward what could be
  • Embrace Subversive Questioning: Behind every question there’s a quest
  • Become a Beginner: Leave the “expert stuff” for someone else
  • Take More Risks
  • Create a Climate for Change
  • Ask a Fool
  • Break Out
  • Learn from Mistakes
  • Try a Different Approach
  • Get Out of Your Box
  • Combine Different Ideas
  • Dig Deeper
  • “Good Enough Never Is”
  • Try a Lot of Stuff – Keep What Works
  • Accept that Mistakes Will Be Made
  • Be Challenged
  • Adopt a Genius
  • Brainstorm
  • Take Notes
  • Exercise Creativity
  • Define Your Problem As Simply As Possible

Challenging Words, No Matter Where You Find Them…

OK, sue me…I’m a sucker for Broadway musicals! Anyway, I saw Bernadette Peters on TV earlier this week, and of course, that drove me to put her CD in the old CD player. (See…CDs are little shiny coated plastic discs that carry music and other assorted data. We old coots used them – and still use them – while all you up-to-date-hip-and-happening folks have iPods and other assorted mp3-type gadgets. Don’t worry…we’ll catch up!)

Anyway, she sings these words in “Some People” from Gypsy…

Some people sit on their butts, Got the dream, but not the guts…

I don’t want to be like “some people!”

Connecting with Those Who Aren’t Really There…

Dick Staub has this post over at his website. Some excerpts…

I cringe very time I see a mom or dad driving along while talking on a cell phone instead of conversing with their kid(s) sitting silently next to them in the car.

When we talk on the cell phone or watch TV we are connecting, but when it replaces talking with people in-person I think we are also disconnecting at a deeply human level.

I think some of our societal malaise and nagging loneliness is due to our failure to connect with real people in-person while replacing it with a connection to people who aren�t in the room.

It is not good for humans to be alone.

Mister Rogers on Making Mistakes…

Got this in my Inbox this morning, via David Batstone

A young apprentice applied to a master carpenter for a job. The older man asked him, “Do you know your trade?”

“Yes, sir!” the young man replied proudly.

“Have you ever made a mistake?” the older man inquired.

“No, sir!” the young man answered, feeling certain that he would get the job.

“Then there’s no way I’m going to hire you,” said the master carpenter, “because when you make one, you won’t know how to fix it.”

– Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers

“If You Wanna Change the World…”

Had the opportunity to “hurry up and wait” today.

Was listening to DaveFM (formerly Z93 – and where did Dave Marino go anyway?).

Was struck by these words from Cracker…

Let’s get off this,
And get on with it,
If you wanna change the world
Shut your mouth and start to spin it
Get off this
Get on with it
If you wanna change the world
Shut your mouth and start this minute

At the same time, I was reading about “right living and doing” giving way to mere “right assenting to some facts.”

Maybe Cracker’s right…it’s time we…I…shut up so much yapping and get on with changing the world!