A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: August 2005 (page 2 of 5)

It Ain’t Just the Rookies…

…that are doing a tremendous job for the Atlanta Braves this year. The old guy is having the time of his life! Julio Franco turns 47 today!

He’s still a pretty potent force on the field, but his real value may lie in the wisdom and leadership he freely shares with the new guys on the team.

Not too shabby for an old coot! (There may be hope for the rest of us!)

Life is Like…

From Samuel Butler, English composer, novelist, and satiric author…

Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.

Creating Your Past Today…

From Chris Widener over at The CEO Refresher

You see, most people talk about creating their future, and in a way, that is what I am talking about here. You see, Tomorrow is in your future. But two days from now, Tomorrow will be your past. It will be your yesterday.

So, every day that we live is both our present, but also what will be our past tomorrow.

Still Going…

I discovered Oscar Peterson when I was a freshman in college. One of my favorite albums – see, there used to be these things called “albums,” about 12 inches in diameter, black vinyl, with one looooonnnngggg groove that made the music come out – was Ella and Oscar. I remember going one night to Hilton Head to see Oscar play. Amazing!

Well, he just turned 80 this week, and he’s still going strong! Oh, and did you know he’s the first living Canadian musician to be honored with a commemorative postage stamp?

Thanks to the good folks over at MetaFilter for the link.

NOTE: The Amazon link above shows the cover art for the Ella and Oscar LP I had, but as one reviewer noted, it’s definitely not the same music. Check the first review for the list of tracks on the album I loved…

Not Just Football…

…but fantasy world, just the same!

Go over to Tadd Grandstaff’s blog, get inside his mind, and read his post about the time, effort, and almost “cult-like” involvement in preparing for his upcoming fantasy football league. Be sure to catch the last couple of paragraphs…

If I spent half that time excited about what I do everyday for my so called “calling” in life, What kind of impact would I have? Whose life could I be used to help change? What kind of impression could I be used to help make in this community?

All the time I spend focusing on a fantasy world clouds my vision of a real world that truly needs my attention.

Now, my “vice” isn’t fantasy football, although I spent last summer having a big ol’ time in a fantasy baseball league. No, my “vice” may be fantasy church leading or something like that. I find myself, at times, living vicariously through the lives of others who are doing something significant for the Kingdom. I wonder…if I spent half as much time “doing” as I do “acting like it,” what kind of impact could I have? What could God use me to do?

Ouch! But thanks, anyway, Tadd! Good Great Stuff…

Old Enough for Fairy Tales…

Since the new Chronicles of Narnia movie is due out at Christmas time, I thought I’d do a little “refresher” reading. (Just an aside: It’ll be very interesting to see what the Disney people do about Aslan.)

So anyway, I pulled out and dusted off the old paperback editions and started digging in. Book 1, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe starts with C.S. Lewis’s “dedication” to Lucy Barfield, his goddaughter. And it includes these great words…

I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker that books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.

I hope I never get “too old for fairy tales.” I hope I never lose the sense of wonder in great stories – especially the true ones. I hope I always know what it means to share that wonder wherever I go.

Failing Forward…

Today’s “+” from my Inbox…

If you have made mistakes…there is always another chance for you…you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down.
-Mary Pickford (1893-1979) Canadian Actress