A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: November 2005 (page 2 of 3)

Wreck the Malls…

Some of the places we went today, mostly to watch people. The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” calls it qualitative research. There were two big highlights, other than spending the whole day with the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie.”

See the picture in the middle? It’s one of my favorite places in Atlanta. And today, I had the great privilege of dealing one of my favorite people there. Imagine The Big Show of WWE fame. Give him a tad darker complexion and a sex-change operation, stick a gold ring in his eyebrow, and give him some 3-inch-long fingernails, and you’ve got the picture! (Some of you who’ve been there know I’m telling the truth, because you’ve seen her, haven’t you?) Anyway, this gal’s been working there at least since 1996, and I remember like it was yesterday her uh…correcting of an out-of-town Olympic visitor who had no clue (“When I say ‘Whattaya have?’ you gotta say whatcha gonna have! Know what I mean?”). She’s great and slings those chili dawgs, O-rings, and F.O.’s like nobody’s business! I told her I appreciated her today, and you should have seen her stylin’, smilin’, and profilin’!

On the way to picture #3, we stopped off at Talbots in the Peachtree Battle shopping plaza. Once again, we had the privilege of great customer service by our friendly Talbots gal, Kathy. Not only did she recognize us when we walked in the store, not only did she make some very helpful recommendations and suggestions, but she pointed out some things we hadn’t thought of and helped us save a few bucks along the way! Thanks, Kathy for being the official Talbots gal of Just Charlie!

One thing that really got to me today was this: Why in the world do people willingly choose to get out of their homes and into the crowds and other mess that is “Black Friday,” and then when faced with standing in line, they get really bent out of shape with the other people? Go figure…

Friday Night Unwind, 11.25.05…

After Thanksgiving, after spending all day watching people at the malls, after all that, I came home to find Thad Jones and Mel Lewis‘s great CD Consummation in my mail.

I first got exposed to Jones & Lewis back in high school, when our band director moved our jazz band from playing cheap-sounding arrangements of Windy and the like to the good stuff – Stan Kenton, Maynard Ferguson, Jones & Lewis and others. (Thanks, Bill!) We played at least four tunes from this collection and I loved all of them. I had the album (you know, black vinyl, about 12 inches in diameter, played on a turntable, historical relic!) but it went out in the trash along with the other four boxes of albums when we moved a few years ago.

Why I ever talked myself into putting them by the street for the trash man is beyond me. At any rate, I’ve had Consummation on my Amazon wish list for a while. The other day I noticed it was included in the Jazz Heritage Society’s “clearance” section, so I scarfed it up – for five bucks!

Anyway, for what it’s worth, I’m digging Dedication, It Only Happens Every Time, and Us all over again! Of course, the haunting melody of A Child Is Born is not really a Christmas song, but it should be.

BTW, anybody know where I can get a decent flugelhorn for cheap? Just wondering…

Random Stuff from the Stack O’ Drafts…

Once again, it’s time for another installment of Random Links from the Stack O’ Drafts! Here are some links to stuff I found on the way to somewhere else…

New Christmas Tunes…

My favorite jazz Christmas album has always been Stan Kenton’s A Merry Christmas. But this year, Ray Charles’s The Spirit of Christmas may give the Kenton classic a run for its money! Of course, Ray is in fine form as usual. But the band! Man, the band smokes! If you’re into jazz and Christmas, you’ll do yourself a favor by running out and getting this 1985 classic!

I picked up Ray’s CD and the lovely and gracious Ms. Monheit’s holiday offering at Borders the other night. Good stuff!

Thanksgiving 2005…

In a couple of hours, we’ll be off to do the second family Thanksgiving gathering, with the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie’s” side of the family.

With a couple of minutes to use up, I just wanted to say to all the loyal readers of this space (all two of you – and you know who you are!) that I’m thankful for all the good stuff you share with me – through this space and in your own corners of the blogosphere. I’m thankful for the relationships we develop – online and in real time/space. I pray that you and your family and friends will never get over the blessings of God in your life, that you’ll never take those blessings for granted, and that you’ll remember to thank Him for those blessings and appreciate the people who are the “blessing agents” in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

(Oh, to you Canadian readers…happy plain-old-day-after-Wednesday to you! :))

Over the River and Through the Woods…

We just returned from a short, but good Thanksgiving trip to my folks’ house. As usual, Martha outdid herself with the traditional Pharis Phamily Pheast! Not a turkey leg in sight, but the good stuff…low country boil, shrimp, beef stew, cakes, cookies, etc.! Yes!

We’ll do the other side of the family tomorrow evening.

Thanks, Martha and Howard, for a great day!


Someone pointed out to me this morning that my blog has become a veritable graveyard, what with the latest – and only – posts being obituaries and all.

Trust me, it hasn’t been intentional. In fact, I’ve got a whole stack of stuff in the ol’ draft pile that I just haven’t had time to get to these days.

One reason is I’m engrossed with Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus’s Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge. I started out reading it for a project in which I’m involved. I began making notes as I read, and soon discovered that I was practically copying the book into my Moleskine! Good stuff that’s hitting me right where I need to be hit these days.

That and trying to get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas, combined with a touch of the ol’ flu bug, has made posting a chore that is less of a priority than I planned.