A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Adventures (page 3 of 7)

Not Really Ready, Am I?

Went with the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” to our favorite little Eye-talian place for lunch today. (I had just talked about getting back to the basics of church, and how the mission of Jesus to seek and save the lost must be our driving passion, etc.).

So we pull up to Provino’s and there they were, in all their redneck-hip-hop-wannabe glory: about four guys and a girl,  all of whom appeared to be in their early 20s. Standing right outside the door, smoking, swilling Budweiser longnecks.

My first reaction was something like…

Crap! Why can’t they move it somewhere else so I can get in the door?

We went around this crew and headed in for lunch. Well, it gets better. As soon as we were seated, that whole crew came in and joined another very similar crowd at a large table across the room from us.

Another young woman joined them shortly, and it became apparent that this whole bunch was celebrating the first young woman’s birthday. (Or that they were continuing to celebrate her birthday might be more like it!)

I’d like to think that the language they were using would be offensive to the young woman (with the obligatory and very evident tramp stamp), but since she was the loudest and most obnoxious, I guess not.

Every third word from her mouth began with “f” and ended with “-kin'” and there was no “rea” in between. I had almost had all I could stand when she made this comment…

S**t! I was so f**kin’ messed up, I f**kin’ woke up with nothin’ but my f**kin’ bikini top on, and my f**kin’ bottle of Everclear was f**kin’ gone!

The rest of the table laughed and commented favorably.

And that’s when it hit me. Or I should say, that’s when He hit me. Right in the face. Hard.

My buddy, Gary Lamb, often says that most pastors who say they want to reach the unchurched really don’t want to, they just want to have cool, different ways of doing church for the already-convinced.

I know he’s right, but it hit home in a big way this afternoon over a plate of manicotti and garlic rolls.

I am not really ready to advance the Kingdom. I’m not really ready to storm the gates of hell and rescue people who are far from God. I’m good with nice, decent folks who just don’t go to church. But there were people, loved by God, created and designed by Him for a great purpose, people for whom Jesus lived and died, people being passionately pursued by God, and I couldn’t handle them. My anger and discomfort soon turned to great shame and I wept over my last bit of manicotti. Sitting right there in the restaurant, I wept over people far from God, and over my lack of passion for them.

God, help me see those who are far from You as You see them. Give me patience for the things I don’t like so I can have a passion for those You love. Help me be ready next time…

New Toys…

Unwinding tonight from the new machine! Pretty good, I guess. I wasn’t planning to buy a new desktop computer for a while, but somehow the lightning took care of that notion on Friday evening! My old Dell Dimension 4600 had been rocking along just fine, thank you.

We finished up our Vacation Bible School Friday evening, adn I came home to put together some thank-you notes, etc. I debated whether or not I should turn the computer on with the thunder and lightning we had in our area.

Anyway, the lightning struck something close by. It sounded really cool, but took out a couple of smoke detectors, our cable modem, and the motherboard on the old computer.

Of course, we are totally dependent on these things to run our lives these days, so I had to run out and get something to make up for the fried one.

Nobody local could make the repairs on such short notice, adn one guy told me he didn’t think it would be worth it to replace the motherboard without replacing virtually everything else. I didn’t have time to place an order, and wait. So the best I could do under the circumstances was the Dell Inspiron 530. I’m not real crazy about Vista Home Premium, but the 640gig hard drive and the 22″ monitor are pretty sweet! As soon as I get my data back from the old one, I’ll be good to go!

Quick Friday Afternoon Hits…

Whassup in Cherokee County, Georgia this afternoon…

  • The sunburn is not nearly as bad as I thought and wrote yesterday! In fact, it turns out the really, really bad red was actually because of some of “The Boy’s” leftover sun lotion stuff. I just noticed the label warning today: “Not recommended for outdoor use.” Hmmm….
  • Nevertheless, I’m inside this afternoon. With John Rutter’s fantastic Gloria playing loud and clear. And the operative word is loud. (OK, so it’s not Chris Tomlin, or Hillsong, or Steve Fee, or even Lee McD. But it is contemporary. And it is praise and worship. But…it’s a choir and organ and orchestra. And it rocks!
  • Reading Timothy Keller’s The Reason for God. It rocks, too…

How’s your Friday going so far?

Beautiful Day, Stupid Me…

Right now it’s 74 and gorgeous in our neck of the woods. So I decided around 1:45 this afternoon to take my work outside. Dumb, stupid move…really dumb, stupid move!

See, my “work” involved reading. The book I’m reading isn’t exactly a page-turner. In fact, it’s got some pretty downright boring parts. Those parts led to a sleepy state. That sleepy state lasted until my phone rang. At about 2:45 this afternoon.

Let’s just say a 47-year-old old coot ought not to be looking for something with the cooling, soothing properties of healing aloe. I can’t remember the last time I was this sunburned! I’m going to pay for that little nap for a while!

God Was Already Setting Me Up…

The last couple of weeks have fluctuated between intense and scary and encouraging and powerful and inspiring and a whole lot more! In my message preparation, my thinking, my planning, my reading, my interaction with people, and especially my DDTs* ($1 to Tony McCollum), God has been rocking my world. And He was just getting me set up for Unleash! (Insert goofy Sonic commercial “punch” sound effect here!)

*Daily Dynamic Times

Sunday Night Unwind, 03.09.08…

I’ve been really digging the Hillsong CD God He Reigns lately. One reviewer said it’s a great blend of the “classic” Hillsong stuff and the newer, younger, hipper United material. Whatever. All I know is it’s been leading me into the presence of God in a big, powerful way.

A couple of notes from this weekend…

  • Gideon this morning.
  • A couple of first-time guests and a couple of returning ones!
  • Pumped about this week. Going to NewSpring for Unleash. Going with Gary and the Revolution crew. Thanks, Gary! It’s been about three years since I’ve been to a conference. I really, really need it! (Other than a new Moleskine, what does one take to a conference these days?)
  • But I’m kind of afraid of what God’s going to do to me on the trip and at the conference. See, He’s been rocking my world in a lot of ways over the last couple of weeks. He’s probably got something bigger in mind. He always does, doesn’t He?
  • The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” is the best wife in the world, hands down!
  • Real change is hard, because it means you’ve got to change personally before you can help your organization/team/whatever change.
  • I challenged our bunch to pray and dream “one size bigger” today.
  • Let’s keep daylight saving time all year around!

4:00 a.m. is going to get here pretty early. See you later…

Notes from the Weekend Just Past…

One of those busy-but-pretty-good weekends went something like this (including today)…

  • Didn’t preach yesterday morning. Had these guys in for their pitch. It was actually pretty good. Heard some interesting stats, a couple of items that made me go “hmmmm!” and one really great, challenging story that will certainly surface somewhere else along the way.
  • “The Boy” stopped by long enough to eat lunch. Always great to see him!
  • Got back to serious working out at the Y. Read some great, challenging articles at the wellness center desk.
  • Caught the last three-quarters or so of G.I. Jane on TV. Love that great, challenging quote from Master Chief Urgayle: “There are no bad crews, only bad leaders!” Hmmm….
  • Touched base with one of my heroes, the one and only Gary Lamb. He doesn’t know it, but he usually challenges and encourages me almost every time I talk to him!
  • Started a little series in our evening service. We’re unabashedly talking about some other churches. And we’re calling them by name. Really picking them apart and all that jazz. Maybe you’ve heard of them. Going to be good….
  • Read Shackleton’s Way, and was challenged and encouraged by his leadership in the middle of difficult and seemingly hopeless times of crisis. Just found a website….
  • Re-discovered Tennyson and Browning, via the book about Shackleton.
  • Made me want to watch Dead Poets Society.
  • Set personal bests in the bench press today! Woo hoo!