A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Friends (page 3 of 3)

The Gary Lamb of Business Authors…

Larry Winget Book Cover

I just finished reading Larry Winget’s book about work. I probably never would have picked up this book on my own, but I won it from the good folks over at InBubbleWrap. Boy, am I glad I did!

Well, “glad” may not really be a good word. Let’s just say I’ve greatly benefited from Winget’s common-sense, in-your-face, no-nonsense approach.

Almost every page reminded me of my buddy Gary Lamb for some reason. I guess because of Gary’s common-sense, in-your-face, no-nonsense approach. Now, if only Gary could get some of those glasses, shirts, and boots, and shave his head…

Mighty Men…

David had The Three. He had The Thirty.

Men of great courage. Men of great loyalty – to God and to David personally. Men who were not afraid and who did not back down in the face of great adversity. Men who were used by God – and inspired by David – to undertake great exploits and achieve great things. Men who were willing to face overwhelming odds and impossible situations. Leaders in their own right – who subjugated their own sense of pride and ego for the cause of the king – and The King.

Everybody needs some guys like that in their lives. Guys who have your back. Guys who use whatever they have to win great victories. Guys who’ll stand in the lentil field – alone, if necessary – until the enemy is vanquished. Guys who’ll wield their sword until they can’t lift it – and win the battle. Guys who’ll charge through enemy strongholds to bring back a drink of water.

I wonder if I could ever inspire such a group of men. I’m wondering today if I’m really supposed be one of such a group of men. One of “The Guys,” and not “The Man”…

True Believers…

I had a great opportunity today to hang out with two of my favorite people in the whole wide world, Gary and Tony. I also got to meet Greg Rohlinger and a few other guys who are doing some pretty cool things for the Kingdom of God!

Being the old coot in the bunch, I kind of just sat there while these guys passed around some great tidbits of knowledge. I also managed to laugh. A lot.

I did notice something though.

I wasn’t particularly struck by the superior intelligence of these guys, even though they all are pretty smart. It’s not their overwhelming charisma that grabbed me, even though they are, for the most part, outgoing and magnetic personalities.

What struck me was their belief that what they’re doing matters! They believe in what they’re doing. Totally! They are fully and passionately engaged. They believe that they can make – and that they are making – a difference in the world. They believe that what they’re doing is actually worthwhile. That it’s something worth giving your life to.

And that passion makes all the difference in the world. And I wish I had some of it again…

It Wasn’t Me!

My buddy Gary Lamb reported in his Sunday Night Mind Dump about RidgeStone’s band rockin’ the house at the City of Canton Festival of the Arts. He also told about the reaction of one of our local pastors as Tim and the boys were playing…

Seeing another pastor roll his eyes and walk away in disgust today while our band was playing made me want to punch him but he is older then dirt so I decided not to do it.

Just for the record, even though Gary has referred to me as “older than dirt” on more than one occasion, I was not…repeat…I was not the pastor who reacted with disgust on Sunday!

Just so you know…