A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: General (page 19 of 121)

Of Doors and Handles…

From George MacDonald’s The Diary of an Old Soul

I would go near thee – but I cannot press
Into thy presence – it helps not to presume.
Thy doors are deeds; the handles are their doing.
He whose day-life is obedient righteousness,
Who, after failure, or a poor success,
Rises up, stronger effort yet renewing –
He finds thee, Lord, at length, in his own common room.

If Cleanliness is Next to Godliness…

…why are the baseboards coated with a half-inch of crud in the same room where a John Piper book is prominently displayed on a desk and a “Name Above All Names” poster is on the wall? And why is the return grate for the air conditioner gummed up with who knows what?

I guess because it’s college, that’s why!


My buddy Gary posted about his buddy Greg and some of the stuff he’s going through right about now. He’s not the only one. There seems to be a pretty concerted effort on the part of the enemy, especially against those who are doing something great for the Kingdom.

I’m reminded of today’s selection from My Utmost for His Highest

Patience is more than endurance. A saint’s life is in the hands of God like a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer. God is aiming at something the saint cannot see, and He stretches and strains, and every now and again the saint says – “I cannot stand any more.” God does not heed, He goes on stretching till His purpose is in sight, then He lets fly. Trust yourself in God’s hands. For what have you need of patience just now? Maintain your relationship to Jesus Christ by the patience of faith. “Though He slay me, yet will I wait for Him.”

And this…

Faith is the heroic effort of your life, you fling yourself in reckless confidence on God. God has ventured all in Jesus Christ to save us, now He wants us to venture our all in abandoned confidence in Him.

I don’t know Greg, but I know Gary thinks an awful lot of him and he’s challenged and encouraged Gary over the months. I’m challenged and encouraged by Greg’s response on his blog

Please know, I’m not discouraged, depressed, or wavering in my faith. It’s the exact opposite, I’M GROWING IN MY FAITH. God is using all of this to stretch me, and make me more like Christ!

To all the Gregs and others out there, we’re praying for you tonight!

Wednesday Stack O’ Stuff, 05.03.06…

Random – and not-so-random – things I found on the way to somewhere else…

Look at Me…I’m an Outfielder!

I love Peanuts. In fact, I’ve often resigned myself to the fact that I am Charlie Brown.

But lately – and this is going to sound really strange! – I think I’m more like Lucy than I ever imagined. The gender difference aside, I can relate to Lucy, because she’s always trying to seem more intelligent, more capable, more plugged-into-what’s-going-on-in-the-world than she really is.

Last Sunday’s strip is a perfect example of Lucy. And me.

We all want to be the shortstop. We all want to have the glamorous spot. If you stand in the outfield, you usually end up out of the action, and bored to the point of inaction, inattention, and tossing your glove up in the air just for something to do.

The fact is, all of us can’t be the shortstop. There’s only room for one on the field. All of us aren’t equipped to play shortstop. All of us weren’t wired up to handle the hot ones. Some of us were wired up to be outfielders. And believe it or not, outfielders are just as important, just as necessary, just as crucial to the team’s success as the shortstop. Ask Andruw Jones. Ask any number of guys who seem to stand around in the outfield while the action is going on somewhere else.

Yeah, the outfielders usually stand around and make routine plays. But every now and then, they haul the homer back in from over the fence. Every now and then, they make that spectacular diving, sliding catch worthy of SportsCenter. Every now and then, they throw out the runner at home.

The sooner we outfielders learn that we’re no less a part of the team than the shortstop, the sooner we’re able to get busy becoming the best outfielder in the business. The sooner we stop trying to be the shortstop just because of the headlines and the spotlights, the sooner we can make our unique contribution to the game.

The shortstops will still get the hot ones. The shortstops will still make the spectacular plays. The shortstops will still be in the spotlight. Me? Look at me…I’m an outfielder! And I want to be the best outfielder in the game. I’m going to high-five the shortstops when they handle the hot ones. I’m going to make my throws strong and accurate, so the shortstops can apply the tags and complete the relays to the plate.

The Manager wants great shortstops. But He wants outfielders who play the game hard, who are the best outfielders they can be.

Hey, Skipper…I’m sorry I tried too long to be the shortstop, when You intended for me to be an outfielder. Will You help me hone my outfield skills? When The Game is over, when I come into The Dugout, when The Box Score is published, all I want is Your High-Five.

One Last Post…

…and then a change of focus and direction – perhaps! – come Monday!

Come Monday, it’ll be all right, come Monday…

Please bear with me for one more post about my ongoing workout/fitness saga. Pretty please?

Both of you loyal readers will remember that the last time I posted was ten days ago, and I talked about sending out a big ol’ load of big ol’ boy clothes to the thrift store folks. I had whittled down my closet contents to what I thought I could wear for a while yet. Well, that while wasn’t as long as I had anticipated!

I did something today I haven’t done in probably 24 years. I bought three polo shirts (the style, not the brand!).

In size L.

Not XXL, which has been my default size for more years than I can remember.

Not even XL, which has been my “transitional” size for a month or so.

L, as in Large. Grand. Grande.

Oh, I also bought two pairs of pants. Three waist sizes down from January.

I can’t really tell you how I felt as I tried those items on in the store this afternoon. There was a whole range of stuff that kept working its way through my mind. Let’s just say it has kind of highlighted some thoughts about change and goals and purpose and some other stuff that I’ve been ruminating on for a while now. Hopefully, that’s going to lead to some other significant life changes in the very near future.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for tolerating the personal fitness saga. Thanks for praying and encouraging.

See you Monday…

The Point of No Return…

WOW! This morning marks a milestone of sorts. Those bags contain the last of the “big boy” clothes, ready for pickup by the American Kidney Fund people.

One closet now has a lot of lonely wooden hangers clattering around in it. And somebody’s going get some great deals at a thrift store somewhere!